Objects in October

The following deep-sky objects can best be observed in the month of October at a geographical latitude of 47° north (Switzerland).

Andromeda (25)

Aquarius (7)

Aries (5)

Auriga (17)

Caelum (1)

Camelopardalis (12)

Canis Minor (3)

Capricornus (1)

Cassiopeia (42)

Cepheus (29)

Cetus (12)

Cygnus (40)

Delphinus (5)

Eridanus (2)

Gemini (12)

Hercules (8)

Lacerta (3)

Leo Minor (6)

Lepus (4)

Lyra (7)

Monoceros (19)

Orion (21)

Pegasus (19)

Perseus (20)

Pisces (5)

Sagitta (4)

Sculptor (5)

Taurus (11)

Triangulum (7)

Ursa Minor (1)

Vulpecula (17)