Galaxy NGC 7292

NGC 7292
NGC 7292: Image taken with Hubble Space Telescope. © 2023 ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick [629]


The galaxy was discovered on 29 August 1872 by the French astronomer Jean Marie Édouard Stephan using the 31" Foucault reflector at Marseille observatory. [277] In 1888 Dreyer added the galaxy as NGC 7272 with the description «extremely faint, small, oval, faint star involved.» [313]

Physical Properties

NGC 7292 is an irregular galaxy. Unusually to irregular galaxies its core is stretched out into a distinct bar, a feature seen in many spiral galaxies. It is a low surface brightness galaxy, which is typically dominated by gas and dark matter rather than stars. [629] Apparent magnitudes through different filters: u 17.286; B 13.1; g 17.154; r 17.099; i 17.081; z 16.891. Estimated distances range from 6 Mpc to 13 Mpc. [145]

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Designation NGC 7292
Type Gx (IBm)
Right Ascension (J2000.0) 22h 28m 25.7s
Declination (J2000.0) +30° 17' 35"
Diameter 2.1 × 1.6 arcmin
Photographic (blue) magnitude 13.0 mag
Visual magnitude 12.5 mag
Surface brightness 13.8 mag·arcmin-2
Position Angle 117°
Redshift (z) 0.003289
Distance derived from z 13.89 Mpc
Metric Distance 11.510 Mpc
Dreyer Description eF, S, oval, F * inv
Identification, Remarks GC 6056; UGC 12048; MCG 5-53-3; CGCG 495-3; IRAS 22261+3002; KARA 967; KAZ 290

Finder Chart

The galaxy NGC 7292 can be found in the constellation Pegasus. The best time for observation ist in the months from June to December, when it is highest in the sky.

Finder Chart Galaxy NGC 7292
Galaxy NGC 7292 in constellation Pegasus. Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. [149, 160]

Visual Observation

762 mm Aperture: This galaxy was a chance observation, actually the Helix Nebula should be approached with a number higher or NGC 7293. Nevertheless, we observe the shapeless, irregular galaxy, which shows a stellar, punctate core. — 30" SlipStream-Dobson f/3.3, Hasliberg, 18. 8. 2023, Eduard von Bergen

Objects Within a Radius of 20°
