Constellations in May

The following constellations can best be observed in the month of May at a geographical latitude of 47° North (Switzerland).

IAU Name English Name Opposition Season Declination DSO
Bootes (Boo)Herdsman2 MayDec … Sep+55.0°+7.4°4
Cancer (Cnc)Crab27 JanuaryNov … May+33.1°+6.5°5
Canes Venatici (CVn)Hunting Dogs8 AprilJan … Jul+52.4°+27.8°17
Cepheus (Cep)King25 AugustMay … Dec+88.7°+53.4°28
Coma Berenices (Com)Bernice's Hair30 MarchDec … Jul+33.3°+13.3°24
Corona Borealis (CrB)Northern Crown21 MayJan … Sep+39.7°+25.5°0
Corvus (Crv)Crow26 MarchJan … May-11.7°-25.2°2
Crater (Crt)Cup10 MarchJan … May-6.7°-25.2°0
Cygnus (Cyg)Swan29 JulyMar … Dec+61.4°+27.7°40
Delphinus (Del)Dolphin29 JulyApr … Nov+20.9°+2.4°5
Draco (Dra)Dragon16 JuneFeb … Sep+86.5°+47.5°7
Hercules (Her)Hercules10 JuneMar … Oct+51.3°+3.7°8
Lacerta (Lac)Lizard28 AugustMay … Dec+56.9°+35.2°3
Leo (Leo)Lion27 FebruaryNov … May+33.0°-6.7°16
Leo Minor (LMi)Lesser Lion21 FebruaryOct … Jun+41.4°+22.8°5
Libra (Lib)Scales10 MayMar … Jun-0.5°-30.0°3
Lupus (Lup)Wolf12 MayApr … May-29.8°-55.6°0
Lyra (Lyr)Lyre2 JulyFeb … Dec+47.7°+25.7°7
Ophiuchus (Oph)Serpent Bearer8 JuneMar … Aug+14.4°-30.2°19
Sagitta (Sge)Arrow14 JulyApr … Nov+21.6°+16.1°4
Sagittarius (Sgr)Archer3 JulyMay … Sep-11.7°-45.3°37
Scorpius (Sco)Scorpion1 JuneApr … Aug-8.3°-45.8°17
Scutum (Sct)Shield30 JuneApr … Sep-3.8°-15.9°7
Serpens (Ser)Serpent17 MayMar … Sep+25.7°-16.1°6
Sextans (Sex)Sextant19 FebruaryDec … May+6.4°-11.7°1
Ursa Maior (UMa)Great Bear27 FebruaryNov … Jul+73.1°+28.3°24
Ursa Minor (UMi)Little Bear9 MayJan … Dec+90.0°+65.4°1
Virgo (Vir)Maiden10 AprilJan … Jun+14.4°-22.7°32
Vulpecula (Vul)Fox24 JulyMar … Dec+29.5°+19.4°17

Opposition: The center of the constellation asterism is in opposition to the Sun on this day, i. e., it is at its highest point in the sky at local midnight. — Season: During these months, the constellation can be observed at night at a geographical latitude of 47° North. In the case of circumpolar constellations, these are near the zenith. — Declination: Northern and southern extent of the IAU constellation boundaries. — DSO: Number of described deep-sky objects.