
Aquila / Yale Bright Star Catalog (HR)

«Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed.» Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H., 1991 [154]
HR B F DM HD SAO FK5 IR M* ADS VarID RA Dec vMag spType dMag Sep Remarks
HR 7040 4 BD+01 3766 173370 123879 11290 18 44 49.9 +02 03 36 5.02 B9V e S:Shell star. H alpha emission.,VAR:Gamma Cas?, 5.00 - 5.05V.
HR 7059 5 BD-01 3559 173654 142606 11667 18 46 28.5 -00 57 42 5.90 A2Vm 1.6 12.8 D:AB binary, B, Am, F3Vm, or Am(A5/F1/F2), RV +9.2k/s, vsini =<25k/s. C, 11.3v optical.,G:Sirius group; UMa stream.,S:Also classified Am(A1/A7V/A7).,SB:ADS 11667A, spectrum binary, RV var.? Unresolved by speckle interferometry on 1976.30; companion with sep. 0.13" seen,SB:on 1980.48 (McAlister and Hartkopf).
HR 7085 BD+00 4027 174240 123947 18 49 37.1 +00 50 09 6.25 A1V
HR 7099 BD+10 3685 174569 104170 I 11750 18 50 45.6 +10 58 35 6.55 R K5III+K3III 1.1 3.5 D:Binary, companion K3III-IV.
HR 7101 8 BD-03 4392 174589 142706 3500 18 51 22.1 -03 19 04 6.10 F2III
HR 7135 BD+06 3978 175515 124050 3509 I 11536 18 55 27.5 +06 36 55 5.57 K0III SB:2994d, K 4.65k/s, V0 +23.31k/s, asini 186.
HR 7143 BD-01 3602 175640 142825 3510 18 56 22.7 -01 48 00 6.22 B9III S:HgMn star.
HR 7163 BD+06 3989 176095 124112 18 58 23.8 +06 14 25 6.21 F5IV
HR 7165 BD+17 3799 176155 104296 11884 FF Aql 18 58 14.7 +17 21 39 5.38 F8Ib 5.3 6.6 D:Companion blue star?,SB:1435d, K 3.5k/s, V0 -17.4k/s, asini 69.1. RV may also vary in 4109d.,VAR:ADS 11884A, CDelta 5.18 - 5.68V, 4.470916d. Magnetic field. Possible blue companion.
HR 7167 10 BD+13 3838 176232 104303 V1286 Aql 18 58 46.9 +13 54 24 5.89 F0pSrEu G:Sirius group?,S:Oxygen deficient relative to magnesium. Magnetic star. Also classified A4p.,VAR:Alpha CV 5.83 - 5.93V. Published periods of 6.05 and 9.78d probably spurious; nor does a more recent 6.5386d satisfy,VAR:all observations. Period may be years. Abt and Golson found range 5.83 - 5.91V. Two isolated obs. of 5.93 and 5.94V,,VAR:while other observers report intermediate values with amp. <0.015V.
HR 7172 11 BD+13 3841 176303 104308 11902 11618 18 59 05.7 +13 37 21 5.23 F8V 4.3 17.8 D:Both companions optical.,G:UMa stream.
HR 7173 BD+09 3951 176304 104313 18 59 17.5 +10 08 27 6.75 B2Vp
HR 7176 ε 13 BD+14 3736 176411 104318 712 I W 18 59 37.4 +15 04 06 4.02 K1-IIICN0.5Ba0.2 5.9 131.1 C:V magnitudes scatter from 5.56 to 5.81, B-V from +0.35 to +0.45, U-B from -0.01 to +0.04.,N:Deneb el Okab; Deneb. Names combined with HR 7235.
HR 7193 12 BD-05 4840 176678 142931 I 11655 19 01 40.8 -05 44 20 4.02 K1III v
HR 7208 BD+08 3951 176981 124184 19 02 21.6 +08 22 27 6.30 K2III
HR 7209 14 BD-03 4460 176984 142959 W 19 02 54.5 -03 41 56 5.42 A1V 0.0 0.1 D:Sep. 0.099". Consistently unresolved by speckle observations at five epochs between 1977.48 and 1981.47 (McAlister,D:and Hartkopf).,G:Hyades group.
HR 7214 BD+01 3865 177178 124203 19 03 32.2 +01 49 08 5.83 A4V
HR 7219 BD+03 3882 177332 124219 19 04 10.7 +03 19 50 6.73 A5m
HR 7220 BD-05 4858 177336 142985 I V Aql 19 04 24.2 -05 41 06 6.90 C5II VAR:SRb 6.6 - 8.4v, 10.6 - >12.4p, 353d. Mean mag. varies in cycle of about 2270d.
HR 7225 15 BD-04 4684 177463 142996 I 12007 A 19 04 57.6 -04 01 53 5.42 K1III 1.6 38.5 D:Companion gK4, optical.
HR 7231 BD-01 3642 177552 143003 19 05 18.6 -01 30 46 6.53 F1V
HR 7235 ζ 17 BD+13 3899 177724 104461 716 I 12026 11724 19 05 24.6 +13 51 48 2.99 A0Vn 8.4 158.6 DYN:0.020".,G:Pleiades group.,N:Deneb el Okab; Deneb. Combined with HR 7176.
HR 7236 λ 16 BD-05 4876 177756 143021 717 I 19 06 14.9 -04 52 57 3.44 B9Vn
HR 7243 BD+08 3970 177940 124266 I W R Aql 19 06 22.2 +08 13 48 6.09 M7IIIe v 5.0 180.7 S:OH and H2O emission. IR spectra show water vapor. OH, H2O and SiO maser. Also classified M5e-M9e.,VAR:M 5.5 - 12.0v, 284.2d. Period changes 348.980 - 0.554202n + 0.000552309n2 from JD 2399190. Radio flare detected,VAR:in this position.
HR 7245 BD+00 4106 178065 124282 19 07 09.1 +00 38 30 6.56 B9III RV:Period 6.87d.,S:HgMn star.
HR 7248 18 BD+10 3787 178125 104488 3525 Y Aql 19 06 58.6 +11 04 17 5.09 B8III G:Possible Pleiades group.,SB:1.3023d, K 27.6k/s, V0 -18.7k/s, asini 0.494.,VAR:E 5.02 - 5.06B, 1.30227d. Form of light curve possibly variable.
HR 7266 19 BD+05 4040 178596 124318 3530 19 08 59.9 +06 04 24 5.22 F0III-IV
HR 7269 BD-00 3662 178744 143087 19 09 51.6 -00 25 41 6.34 B5Vn
HR 7279 20 BD-08 4887 179406 143134 1500 11808 19 12 40.7 -07 56 22 5.34 B3V
HR 7287 21 BD+02 3824 179761 124408 3537 12182 V1288 Aql 19 13 42.7 +02 17 37 5.15 B8II-III 7.5 36.2 D:Companion optical.,VAR:Alpha CV 5.06 - 5.16V, 1.73d.
HR 7288 BD+05 4081 179791 124410 11827 19 13 44.1 +05 30 57 6.49 A2Vp S:Lambda Boo star, Mg 4481 wk.
HR 7300 BD+14 3846 180262 104655 W 19 15 20.1 +15 05 01 5.57 G8II-III 2.1 89.6 D:Binary. Companion A1V.
HR 7303 22 BD+04 4045 180482 124455 19 16 31.0 +04 50 05 5.59 A3IV
HR 7307 BD+14 3852 180555 104668 12248 19 16 26.8 +14 32 41 5.63 B9.5V 3.8 8.2 D:AB CPM, B is 9.07V, +0.14(B-V), -0.05(U-B), F8V or G0IV, optical? Speckle interferometry indicates a fourth companion,D:at 0.051" from A.
HR 7313 BD+01 3960 180782 124478 19 17 48.2 +02 01 54 6.19 A1Vn S:High velocity metal-rich subgiant.
HR 7315 ω1 25 BD+11 3790 180868 104691 725 19 17 49.0 +11 35 43 5.28 F0IV
HR 7319 23 BD+00 4168 180972 124487 I 12289 11889 19 18 32.5 +01 05 07 5.10 K2II-III v 4.1 3.1 D:AB binary. C, 13.7v at 12" optical.,DYN:0.004".
HR 7321 24 BD+00 4170 181053 124492 W 19 18 50.9 +00 20 21 6.41 K0-IIIa:Ba0.4CH1 0.2 423.4
HR 7325 BD+09 4057 181122 124497 19 18 52.7 +09 37 05 6.32 G9III G:Wolf 630 group.
HR 7331 28 BD+12 3879 181333 104722 W V1208 Aql 19 19 39.3 +12 22 29 5.53 F0III 3.5 60.2 VAR:Delta Sct 5.51 - 5.57V. Period analyses of new and existing data by Reed and Welch (1988, AJ, 95, 1510) indicate a,VAR:possible change in pulsational modes during the last several years, with fundamental period of 0.146d and possible,VAR:nonradial pulsations of 0.141, 0.183, and 0.091d.
HR 7332 ω2 29 BD+11 3802 181383 104728 19 19 53.0 +11 32 06 6.02 A2V
HR 7333 26 BD-05 4936 181391 143286 3544 I W 19 20 32.9 -05 24 57 5.01 G8III-IV 6.8 115.9 D:B probably optical.,M:Possible X-ray source 3U1915-05.,SB:266.544d, K 29.9k/s, V0 -18.0k/s, asini 61.1. High orbital eccentricity, 0.83.
HR 7336 27 BD-01 3716 181440 143292 19 20 35.7 -00 53 32 5.49 B9III
HR 7347 BD-08 4950 181858 143321 19 22 20.7 -08 12 04 6.31 B3IVp
HR 7349 BD-00 3725 181907 143324 3546 19 22 21.5 -00 15 09 5.83 gG8
HR 7353 BD-07 4942 182038 143340 I 19 23 04.6 -07 24 01 6.32 K0
HR 7354 BD+09 4081 182101 124564 3548 19 22 48.4 +09 54 47 6.35 F6V
HR 7357 BD+14 3896 182239 104779 19 23 08.2 +14 55 16 6.64 F1V
HR 7366 BD-05 4964 182475 143373 19 25 01.6 -04 53 03 6.52 A9V
HR 7373 31 BD+11 3833 182572 104807 1503 W 11994 19 24 58.2 +11 56 40 5.16 G8IVHdel 1 3.5 105.6 D:Unresolved by speckle interferometry 1986.46.,G:61 Cyg group.
HR 7377 δ 30 BD+02 3879 182640 124603 730 I W 12004 19 25 29.9 +03 06 53 3.36 F3IV 7.5 108.9 D:Component A astrometric binary, A* 3.36 F0IV, 3.422y, a = 0.058"; unresolved by speckle interferometry.,SB:0.1571d.,VAR:Delta Sct? Proper motion slightly variable?
HR 7387 ν 32 BD+00 4206 182835 124628 I W 12021 19 26 31.1 +00 20 19 4.66 F2Ib 4.2 201.0 C:V magnitudes scatter from 4.64 to 4.72, B-V from +0.58 to +0.61, U-B from +0.33 to +0.59.,D:Colors of B are +0.31(B-V), +0.16(U-B).
HR 7389 BD+12 3907 182900 104832 19 26 24.1 +13 01 26 5.74 F6III G:Hyades group.,S:Also classified F7IV and F6V.
HR 7396 BD+13 4020 183144 104862 3555 12049 19 27 33.9 +14 16 57 6.32 B4III
HR 7397 BD+02 3892 183227 124661 19 28 20.8 +02 55 49 5.85 B6III
HR 7400 35 BD+01 4010 183324 124675 19 29 01.0 +01 57 01 5.80 A0IVp G:In Ursa cluster?,S:Lambda Boo star, Mg 4481, met. wk.
HR 7402 BD-07 4968 183344 143454 12503 U Aql 19 29 21.5 -07 02 38 6.61 F7-G1I-II v 5.5 1.5 D:AB fixed. C, 7v at 2", binary.,S:Also classified F5I-II-G1.,VAR:ADS 12503A, CDelta 6.08 - 6.86V, 7.02393d. Period changes.
HR 7404 BD-00 3760 183387 124681 I 19 29 18.0 +00 14 46 6.25 K2
HR 7407 BD+14 3936 183492 104896 19 29 22.1 +14 35 45 5.56 K0III
HR 7412 BD+02 3904 183589 124698 I 12520 12088 19 30 10.5 +02 54 15 6.09 K5Ib 4.9 34.1 D:B, optical.
HR 7414 36 BD-03 4612 183630 143482 1509 I 12093 19 30 39.8 -02 47 20 5.03 M1III v
HR 7415 BD+03 4043 183656 124704 V923 Aql 19 30 33.1 +03 26 40 6.05 A0eShell S:He lines widened by rotation; NaI lines narrow. Also classified B9.5Ia. Line profiles vary.,VAR:Gamma Cas, amp. 0.12V, 0.8518d. Variation may be due to rotation and inhomogeneous distribution of brightness on disk.
HR 7429 μ 38 BD+07 4132 184406 124799 1511 I 12607 12155 19 34 05.4 +07 22 44 4.45 K3-IIIbCN0.5 5.0 177.5 D:B and C optical.
HR 7430 37 BD-10 5122 184492 162792 3562 I 19 35 07.3 -10 33 37 5.12 G9IIIa
HR 7432 BD-07 4998 184573 143564 19 35 29.8 -07 27 37 6.34 K0
HR 7438 BD+02 3932 184663 124823 19 35 25.2 +02 54 48 6.38 F6IV
HR 7445 BD+10 3981 184884 105032 12660 19 36 08.0 +11 09 00 6.68 A3V 6.4 3.8
HR 7446 κ 39 BD-07 5006 184915 143600 737 I 12204 19 36 53.5 -07 01 39 4.95 B0.5III G:Sct OB2.
HR 7447 ι 41 BD-01 3782 184930 143597 12663 12201 19 36 43.3 -01 17 11 4.36 B5III 8.9 47.0 G:Member of the local association (Pleiades group).
HR 7449 BD+14 3974 184944 105036 19 36 15.8 +14 23 30 6.38 K0II-III
HR 7456 BD+10 3984 185018 105045 12670 19 36 52.5 +11 16 24 5.98 G0Ib 5.7 80.
HR 7460 42 BD-04 4861 185124 143621 19 37 47.3 -04 38 51 5.46 F3IV
HR 7471 BD+03 4097 185423 124892 3569 19 38 49.0 +03 22 54 6.35 B3III
HR 7474 σ 44 BD+05 4225 185507 124903 12737 Sig Aql 19 39 11.6 +05 23 52 5.17 B3V+B3V v 6.6 47.8 D:B, 12v K0Ve at 48" optical. C, 12v at 130". Rotational velocity of A 123k/s, of B 142k/s.,SB:ADS 12737A, 1.950271d, K 164.2k/s, V0 -4.5k/s, msin3i 5.84, asini 4.40. vsini of secondary 129k/s.,VAR:ADS 12737A, EB 5.18 - 5.36B, 1.95026827d. i 71.7d. Spectra vary in period 1.950271d.
HR 7480 45 BD-00 3813 185762 143678 3573 12775 19 40 43.3 -00 37 16 5.67 A3IV 7.2 42.0 D:A companion at 0.084" discovered by speckle interferometry.
HR 7486 BD+13 4098 185936 105132 3574 W QS Aql 19 41 05.5 +13 48 56 6.01 B5V 0.2 0.1 D:Speckle interferometry 1985.5 gives sep. 0.178".,G:Member of the local association (Pleiades group).,SB:2.4968d, K 47.3k/s, V0 -14.2k/s, asini 1.62. Equal components.,VAR:Primary of visual double, EA 5.93 - 6.05V, 2.513294d. Double unresolved in 1961 when period changed sharply.
HR 7493 46 BD+11 3954 186122 105156 19 42 12.8 +12 11 36 6.34 B9IIIpHgMn
HR 7497 χ 47 BD+11 3955 186203 105168 12808 12325 19 42 34.0 +11 49 36 5.27 G0:III+A3V 1.2 0.4 D:AB, fixed sep.,DYN:0.0006".,S:Also classified G2+B8 and dF3+A3.
HR 7511 ψ 48 BD+12 4059 186547 105199 19 44 34.1 +13 18 10 6.26 B9III-IV SB:Double lines suspected.
HR 7516 BD-03 4701 186660 143776 3579 19 45 52.2 -02 53 00 6.48 B3III
HR 7519 υ 49 BD+07 4210 186689 125032 19 45 39.9 +07 36 48 5.91 A3IV
HR 7525 γ 50 BD+10 4043 186791 105223 741 I W 19 46 15.6 +10 36 48 2.72 K3II e 8.0 132.6 N:TARAZED; Reda.,S:Ultraviolet FeII emission.
HR 7541 BD-11 5131 187195 163012 19 49 02.2 -10 52 15 6.04 K5III
HR 7542 BD+10 4058 187203 105278 19 48 30.4 +10 41 39 6.44 F8Ib-II
HR 7544 π 52 BD+11 3994 187259 105282 12962 12425 19 48 42.1 +11 48 57 5.72 G2III:+A1V: 0.5 1.4 D:AB, >3000y.
HR 7553 51 BD-11 5149 187532 163036 744 13017 19 50 46.8 -10 45 49 5.39 F0V 8.0 21.1 D:Optical.
HR 7554 BD+07 4252 187567 125116 S V1339 Aql 19 50 17.5 +07 54 09 6.51 B2.5IVe 0.1 VAR:Gamma Cas? 6.33 - 6.52V.
HR 7557 α 53 BD+08 4236 187642 125122 745 I 13009 19 50 47.0 +08 52 06 0.77 A7V 8.6 165.2 D:Component B optical.,N:ALTAIR; Atair.,R:Diam. = 0.00278 - 0.00298".
HR 7559 BD-02 5133 187660 143853 I 19 51 11.1 -02 27 39 6.13 K5III
HR 7560 ο 54 BD+10 4073 187691 105338 13012 19 51 01.6 +10 24 56 5.11 F8V 8.3 14.4 D:Component B optical. AC, 13.8 dM4, 22" binary.
HR 7562 BD+09 4288 187753 125139 19 51 17.7 +09 37 49 6.25 A1m
HR 7569 BD+11 4019 187923 105348 W 12490 19 52 03.5 +11 37 44 6.13 G0V 5.5 90.5
HR 7570 η 55 BD+00 4337 187929 125159 746 I Eta Aql 19 52 28.4 +01 00 20 3.90 F6Ib v S:Also classified F6Ib-G4Ib. UV suggests A0V companion.,VAR:Discovered by Pigott in 1784. CDelta 3.50 - 4.30V, 7.176641d. Period changes. Variable He 10830 in emission and,VAR:absorption.
HR 7572 BD+09 4295 187961 105355 13041 12496 19 52 15.6 +10 21 05 6.54 B7V 4.0 13.5 D:Component B = A3V.,G:Member of the local association (Pleiades group).
HR 7575 BD-03 4742 188041 143883 1519 V1291 Aql 19 53 18.7 -03 06 52 5.65 A5p v S:Also classified F0p SrCrEu.,VAR:Alpha CV 5.61 - 5.67V, 224.5d. Also period for spectrum and magnetic field var. Rotation 226d.
HR 7580 BD+04 4264 188107 125182 19 53 22.6 +04 24 02 6.53 B9.5Vn
HR 7584 56 BD-08 5150 188154 143894 I W 19 54 08.2 -08 34 27 5.79 gK5 6.1 46.5
HR 7593 57 BD-08 5154 188293 143898 13087 A 19 54 37.6 -08 13 38 5.71 B7Vn 0.8 35.7 D:CPM with HR 7594.
HR 7594 57 BD-08 5155 188294 143899 13087 B 19 54 38.1 -08 14 14 6.49 B8V 0.8 35.7 D:CPM with HR 7593.
HR 7595 ξ 59 BD+08 4261 188310 125210 I 19 54 14.9 +08 27 41 4.71 G9+IIIb
HR 7596 58 BD-00 3871 188350 125219 19 54 44.8 +00 16 25 5.61 A0III
HR 7598 BD+06 4351 188385 125221 13093 19 54 40.3 +07 08 25 6.15 A2V 6.4 13.8 D:Optical.
HR 7599 BD-07 5102 188405 143911 13104 19 55 19.6 -06 44 03 6.51 F2V 1.1 0.2 D:Speckle interferometry 1985.5 gives sep. 0.173".
HR 7602 β 60 BD+06 4357 188512 125235 749 I 13110 12557 19 55 18.8 +06 24 24 3.71 G8IV 7.7 175.0 D:AB binary. B 12v dM3 at 13".,DYN:0.049".,N:ALSHAIN; Alschairn.,VAR:ADS 13110A, amp. 0.05V.
HR 7610 φ 61 BD+11 4055 188728 105438 3590 19 56 14.3 +11 25 26 5.28 A1IV SB:3.3207d, K 37.2k/s, V0 -28.0k/s, asini 1.70.
HR 7636 BD+00 4375 189322 125310 3596 19 59 22.7 +01 22 40 6.17 G8III
HR 7637 BD-10 5238 189340 163168 W 19 59 47.4 -09 57 30 5.88 F8V 0.0 0.1
HR 7648 BD+08 4300 189695 125355 I 20 00 58.9 +08 33 29 5.91 K5III
HR 7661 BD-07 5159 190172 144038 20 04 01.2 -07 28 11 6.72 F4III
HR 7664 BD+15 4033 190229 105615 20 03 30.0 +16 01 53 5.67 B9pHgMn G:Member of the local association (Pleiades group).,N:14 Sge, in Aquila.,RV:61.7d? Earlier vsini 61k/s.
HR 7667 62 BD-01 3887 190299 144045 I 20 04 23.2 -00 42 34 5.68 K4III
HR 7669 τ 63 BD+06 4416 190327 125403 1524 I 20 04 08.3 +07 16 41 5.52 gK0
HR 7671 BD-12 5641 190390 163245 W V1401 Aql 20 05 05.4 -11 35 58 6.34 F1III 25. D:Discovered as double by W. Herschel; companion not rediscovered.,S:Probably a supergiant.,VAR:SRd 6.18 - 6.55V, 28.49d.
HR 7680 BD+15 4040 190658 105663 I 13344 20 05 26.5 +15 30 01 6.34 M2.5III 4.0 2.7 D:CPM.
HR 7681 BD-04 5013 190664 144062 20 06 12.2 -04 04 42 6.47 K0
HR 7690 64 BD-01 3899 191067 144095 20 08 01.8 -00 40 42 5.99 K1IV
HR 7693 BD+08 4344 191104 125478 13403 20 07 50.3 +09 23 59 6.43 F3V 2.1 3.1 D:Binary.
HR 7700 BD+10 4189 191263 105743 3616 20 08 38.3 +10 43 33 6.31 B3V G:Member of the local association (Pleiades group).
HR 7710 θ 65 BD-01 3911 191692 144150 756 I W 20 11 18.3 -00 49 17 3.23 B9.5III 9.6 113.7 G:In reflection nebula.,SB:17.1243d, K 51.0k/s, V0 -27.9k/s, msin3i 0.742, asini 9.52.
HR 7717 BD+00 4444 191984 125567 13506 A 20 12 35.2 +00 52 03 6.27 B9pCrEu:Sr: 0.2 2.8 D:Discordance as to which component has the peculiar spectrum usually attributed to A. However, on the basis of better,D:spectrograms, Abt gives A = A0V, B = A0Vp(Sr,Cr st.,Ca wk.).
HR 7720 66 BD-01 3920 192107 144181 I 20 13 13.9 -01 00 34 5.47 K5III S:Very bright in ultraviolet.
HR 7724 ρ 67 BD+14 4227 192425 105878 1526 20 14 16.6 +15 11 51 4.95 A2V
HR 7768 BD-01 3951 193329 144296 20 19 43.3 -01 04 43 6.06 K0
HR 7772 BD-06 5451 193429 144313 3628 I 13013 20 20 26.1 -06 21 42 6.63 K5 VAR:Amp. 0.06V.
HR 7794 BD+04 4434 194013 125747 1531 20 23 10.7 +05 20 35 5.31 G8III-IV
HR 7803 BD+00 4495 194244 125769 13811 13064 20 24 37.5 +01 04 07 6.15 B9V 4.7 31.3 D:Discordances as to which component is B, which C. IDS gives B, 13.1v at 17.1".
HR 7809 BD-03 4888 194454 144412 20 25 42.5 -02 48 01 6.11 gK1
HR 7821 68 BD-03 4906 194939 144468 W 20 28 24.9 -03 21 28 6.13 B9V 7.7 9.8
HR 7831 69 BD-03 4918 195135 144495 1533 I 20 29 39.0 -02 53 08 4.91 K2III
HR 7873 70 BD-03 4961 196321 144624 3648 I 20 36 43.6 -02 33 00 4.89 K5II
HR 7878 BD-00 4056 196426 144632 20 37 18.3 +00 05 49 6.22 B8IIIp
HR 7884 71 BD-01 4016 196574 144649 I 14081 13187 20 38 20.3 -01 06 19 4.32 G7.5IIIa 7.5 32.2 D:Optical.,SB:ADS 14081A, 205.2d, K 9.8k/s, V0 -5.9k/s, asini 27.7.


Key to columns [154]
HR Harvard Revised Number = Bright Star Number
B Bayer designation (greek letter)
F Flamsteed number
DM Durchmusterung Identification (BD = Bonn; CD = Cordoba; CP = Cape Photographic)
HD Henry Draper Catalog Number
SAO SAO Catalog Number
FK5 FK5 star Number
IR I if infrared source
M* Double or multiple-star code. (A = Astrometric binary; D = Duplicity discovered by occultation; I = Innes, Southern Double Star Catalogue (1927); R = Rossiter, Michigan Publ. 9, 1955; S = Duplicity discovered by speckle interferometry; W = Worley (1978) update of the IDS;)
ADS Aitken's Double Star Catalog (ADS) designation
VarID Variable star identification
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
vMag Visual magnitude
spType Spectral type
dMag Magnitude difference of double, or brightest multiple
Sep Separation of components in Dmag if occultation binary (arcsec)
Remarks Note on Category (C = Colors; D = Double and multiple stars; DYN = Dynamical parallaxes; G = Group membership; M = Miscellaneous; N = Star names; P = Polarization; R = Stellar radii or diameters; RV = Radial and/or rotational velocities; S = Spectra; SB = Spectroscopic binaries; VAR = Variability)
