
Cassiopeia / Yale Bright Star Catalog (HR)

«Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed.» Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H., 1991 [154]
HR B F DM HD SAO FK5 IR M* ADS VarID RA Dec vMag spType dMag Sep Remarks
HR 5 BD+57 2865 123 21085 61 V640 Cas 00 06 16.0 +58 26 12 5.96 G5V 0.8 1.4 D:6.43 dG4, 7.19 dG8, 106.83y, a = 1.432". Component B has possible invisible companion, period 6.9y.,DYN:0.051".,VAR:Amp. 0.066V, 1.0819d.
HR 7 10 BD+63 2107 144 10978 2005 00 06 26.5 +64 11 46 5.59 B9III e S:Also classified B8IV-Ve.
HR 21 β 11 BD+58 3 432 21133 2 I 107 Bet Cas 00 09 10.7 +59 08 59 2.27 F2III-IV 11.3 31.3 C:Color excess E(B-V) = 0.00.,N:Caph; Chaph; Kaff; Al Sanam al Nakah.,SB:Optical companion, 27d.,VAR:Delta Sct, amp. 0.03V, 0.10101d.
HR 28 BD+56 11 584 21162 00 10 29.7 +57 09 56 6.74 B7IV
HR 60 BD+60 21 1239 11084 222 00 16 57.1 +61 32 00 5.74 G8III 6.4 19.4 D:Fixed sep.
HR 62 BD+47 50 1279 36236 2016 00 17 09.1 +47 56 51 5.89 B7III
HR 65 BD+50 46 1337 21273 I AO Cas 00 17 43.0 +51 25 59 6.14 O9IIInn G:In neutral hydrogen region.,S:Also classified O9IIIn, O9.5III, O8, and O9.5I. There are also indications of two O9III components.,SB:3.5236d, K 223.4k/s, V0 -31.1k/s, msin3i 10.1, asini 10.8. Apsidal period about 70y? vsini of secondary 145k/s.,VAR:EB 5.96 - 6.11B, 6.07 - 6.24V, O9III+O9III, 3.523487d. Spontaneous var. in period. Polarization indicates,VAR:circumstellar envelope possibly related to mass exchange.
HR 76 BD+48 79 1561 36272 00 20 05.2 +48 51 55 6.52 A0V s
HR 91 BD+51 62 1976 21366 328 155 00 24 15.6 +52 01 12 5.57 B5IV 2.5 0.2 D:ADS 328B, 8.0 at 0.2". However, ADS 328 appeared single in 1953.,G:Cas-Tau OB1.,SB:ADS 328A, 27.8d, K 30k/s, V0 -18k/s, asini 11.2.,VAR:ADS 328A, E?, 5.56 - 5.62V.
HR 93 12 BD+61 69 2011 11172 00 24 47.5 +61 49 52 5.40 B9III
HR 96 BD+52 61 2054 21381 2022 159 00 25 06.4 +53 02 49 5.74 B9IV VAR:Amp. 0.07V.
HR 112 BD+76 10 2589 4130 2031 00 30 55.0 +77 01 10 6.21 K0IV G:61 Cyg group.
HR 113 BD+59 68 2626 21457 412 00 30 19.9 +59 58 38 5.94 B9IIIn 2.2 0.5 D:ADS 412AB, CPM.,G:Open cluster, NGC 129 #201.
HR 121 13 BD+65 67 2729 11243 00 31 25.3 +66 31 10 6.18 B6V G:Member of local association (Pleiades group).
HR 123 λ 14 BD+53 82 2772 21489 434 00 31 46.4 +54 31 20 4.73 B8Vn 0.2 0.5 D:5.5 B7.5V, 5.8 B8.5V, 640y, a = 0.586". Combined mag. and colors. Components 14 and 13 solar masses.,DYN:0.004".
HR 124 BD+52 92 2774 21486 I 00 31 41.2 +52 50 22 5.60 K2III
HR 129 BD+70 24 2904 4142 2034 00 33 19.3 +70 58 54 6.42 A0Vn
HR 130 κ 15 BD+62 102 2905 11256 16 Kap Cas 00 33 00.0 +62 55 54 4.16 B1Ia e G:Cas OB14.,SB:0.14035d, strongly modulated.,VAR:Alpha Cyg, 4.22 - 4.30B, 0.09028d.
HR 135 BD+54 101 2952 21512 00 33 10.4 +54 53 42 5.93 K0III
HR 137 16 BD+65 70 3038 11265 00 34 24.9 +66 45 01 6.48 B9III
HR 144 BD+53 102 3240 21551 00 36 08.3 +54 10 07 5.08 B7III
HR 146 BD+59 84 3283 11291 00 36 27.3 +60 19 34 5.79 A4III G:Cas OB14.
HR 153 ζ 17 BD+53 105 3360 21566 17 225 00 36 58.3 +53 53 49 3.66 B2IV G:Cas-Tau OB1.,VAR:3.59 - 3.68V.
HR 164 BD+48 192 3574 36550 I 546 00 39 09.9 +49 21 16 5.43 K7III 5.3 13.3 D:Companion optical.
HR 168 α 18 BD+55 139 3712 21609 21 I 561 Alp Cas 00 40 30.5 +56 32 14 2.23 K0IIIa 6.7 64.4 D:D is 8.5v K2IV-V, vsini <54k/s. All components probably optical.,N:SHEDIR; Schedar; Schedir.,VAR:Cst 2.20 - 2.27V.
HR 177 BD+65 83 3856 11336 2045 00 42 03.4 +66 08 51 5.83 G9III-IV
HR 179 ξ 19 BD+49 164 3901 21637 2046 260 00 42 03.9 +50 30 45 4.80 B2V G:Cas-Tau OB1.,SB:940.2d, K 11.9, V0 -10.6, asini 141.0.
HR 181 BD+57 132 3924 21642 00 42 31.1 +58 45 12 6.17 B9.5III
HR 184 π 20 BD+46 146 4058 36602 268 00 43 28.1 +47 01 29 4.94 A5V SB:1.9642d, K 120.5k/s, V0 +12.9k/s, msin3i 1.47, asini 3.25. vsini of companion 63k/s.
HR 189 BD+47 181 4142 36617 00 44 26.4 +47 51 51 5.67 B5V M:High velocity star, possible runaway.
HR 192 21 BD+74 27 4161 4216 24 624 YZ Cas 00 45 39.0 +74 59 17 5.66 A2IV 5.5 36.0 D:Physical pair.,S:Also classified A2V + F2V.,SB:4.4672d, K 73.0k/s, V0 +8.1k/s, asini 4.48.,VAR:ADS 624A, EA 5.71 - 6.12B, 4.467224d, i 87.95d. Amp. of primary 0.40V, secondary 0.12V.
HR 193 ο 22 BD+47 183 4180 36620 25 622 Omi Cas 00 44 43.5 +48 17 04 4.54 B5IIIe 7.2 33.6 D:CPM. Companion F8.,G:Cas-Tau OB1. Member of Pleiades group.,S:Shell star. Also classified B2V, B4ne, B8III, B2-5IVe.,SB:1033d. K 19.0, V0 -18.7, asini 268.,VAR:Gamma Cas, 4.50 - 4.62V, amp. 0.3:R, 1.1679d.
HR 196 BD+54 143 4222 21677 625 00 45 17.2 +55 13 18 5.42 A2V s 5.4 89.0 D:AB CPM.,G:Sirius group?
HR 200 BD+68 49 4295 11380 00 46 39.0 +69 19 30 6.33 R F3V
HR 204 BD+54 148 4321 21689 00 46 15.1 +55 18 19 6.52 A2III
HR 207 BD+58 101 4362 21693 00 46 42.4 +59 34 28 6.39 G0Ib
HR 208 23 BD+74 29 4382 4226 00 47 46.1 +74 50 51 5.41 B8III SB:33.75d, K 16.3k/s, V0 -4.1k/s, asini 6.90.
HR 212 BD+71 37 4440 4229 00 48 09.1 +72 40 30 5.87 K0IV
HR 219 η 24 BD+57 150 4614 21732 I 671 00 49 06.0 +57 48 57 3.44 F9V+dM0 4.0 11.6 D:AB 3.45 G3V, 7.51 K4Ve, 480y, a = 11.994". Combined mag., colors. Component B, vsini =<25k/s. Companions C-H optical.,D:A possible invisible companion with period about 40y. Component B, 7.51V, +1.39(B-V), +1.03(U-B).,DYN:0.177".,N:Achird, according to Becvar; Allen says "unnamed".,RV:Component B, +11k/s.,SB:ADS 671A, 9.209d, K 2.2k/s, V0 +9.2k/s, asini 0.254. More recent observations by Morbey and Griffin (1987) and,SB:by McMillan and Smith (1988) show constant velocity; thus, the SB nature of the system is questioned.
HR 223 ν 25 BD+50 147 4636 21729 302 00 48 50.1 +50 58 06 4.89 B9III
HR 233 BD+63 99 4775 11424 29 S 317 00 50 43.6 +64 14 51 5.39 G0III-IV+B9.5V S:Also classified G0III + A5V.,SB:225.739k/s, K 8.9k/s, V0 +1.76k/s, asini 27.5; vsini of secondary 50k/s.,VAR:5.33 - 5.39V.
HR 237 BD+61 178 4817 11430 I 319 00 51 16.4 +61 48 21 6.07 K2Ib-IICN-2 G:Cas OB7.,VAR:6.04 - 6.11V.
HR 238 BD+50 161 4818 21767 V526 Cas 00 50 57.4 +51 30 29 6.39 F2IV S:Also classified F5III.,VAR:Delta Sct 6.34 - 6.37V, 0.1360d; sinusoidal components 0.0526 and 0.0396d.
HR 241 BD+50 164 4881 21775 00 51 33.7 +51 34 16 6.21 B9.5V
HR 244 BD+60 124 5015 11444 721 00 53 04.1 +61 07 27 4.82 F8V 5.5 129.7 S:Ultraviolet deficiency.,SB:ADS 721A, 127.951d, K 1.6k/s, V0 +22.5k/s, asini 2.35. Orbit questioned by Morbey and Griffin (1987, ApJ,,SB:317, 343); proposed period rejected with certainty. Unresolved by speckle interferometry.
HR 250 BD+51 179 5128 21814 I 735 00 53 47.6 +52 41 21 6.27 A5m 3.4 8.2 D:AB CPM. Component B, dG4.
HR 253 υ1 26 BD+58 134 5234 21832 I 748 00 55 00.1 +58 58 22 4.83 K2III 7.6 94.1 D:AB optical.
HR 256 BD+47 242 5273 36763 I 00 55 05.2 +48 40 43 6.27 M2.5IIIa
HR 260 BD+57 172 5343 21846 I 00 56 12.9 +57 59 48 6.21 K3III
HR 261 BD+67 81 5357 11481 00 56 55.6 +68 46 34 6.37 F4III
HR 264 γ 27 BD+59 144 5394 11482 32 I 782 Gam Cas 00 56 42.5 +60 43 00 2.47 B0IVe v 6.3 2.3 C:IR excess.,D:AB CPM.,G:Cas-Tau OB1; exciting star of HII region S185; in reflection nebula; two peculiar elephant trunks of very different,G:colors: IC 59 and IC 63.,M:IRAS observations confirm IR excess and yield simple blackbody temperature of 6750 +/- 100K.,S:First emission-line star discovered, by Angelo Secchi in 1866. IRAS satellite observations confirm IR excess and yield,S:blackbody temperature of about 6750K.,VAR:ADS 782A, Gamma Cas 1.6 - 3.0v. Spectrum and color vary. Expanding circumstellar shell. High-velocity variable,VAR:mass loss. Variable hydrogen emission, 0.7d. Variable SiIV, CIV, polarization. Variable X-ray source. H alpha,VAR:indicates rotating disk-like envelope.
HR 265 υ2 28 BD+58 138 5395 21855 00 56 39.8 +59 10 52 4.63 G8IIIbFe-0.5 G:Wolf 630 group.,S:Possible BaII star.
HR 266 BD+59 146 5408 11484 784 00 56 47.1 +60 21 46 5.55 B9IVn 0.5 0.2 D:AB 6.0 B8V, 6.6 B9V, 83.4y, a = 0.252". Total mass, 6 solar. Primary is a mercury-manganese star.,SB:ADS 784A, 4.2424d, K 88.2k/s, V0 -3.2k/s, msin3i 1.65, asini 4.57.
HR 273 BD+65 115 5550 11502 00 58 31.1 +66 21 08 5.97 A0III
HR 278 BD+70 65 5715 4288 2063 01 00 31.0 +70 58 59 6.39 A4IV G:Hyades group.
HR 287 BD+50 202 6028 21938 01 02 18.4 +51 02 06 6.47 A3V
HR 292 BD+60 157 6130 11551 868 01 03 37.0 +61 04 30 5.92 F0II 3.1 1.2
HR 297 BD+60 158 6210 11557 01 04 19.6 +61 34 49 5.84 F6V
HR 298 BD+51 220 6211 21967 2066 I 01 04 02.4 +52 30 08 5.99 K2
HR 302 BD+50 212 6300 21988 01 04 46.8 +51 00 36 6.54 B3V G:Cas-Tau OB1.
HR 309 BD+61 206 6416 11571 01 06 22.8 +62 45 42 6.54 A5Vn G:Hyades moving group.
HR 316 BD+56 196 6497 22015 2069 01 07 00.2 +56 56 06 6.43 K2III G:Normal iron content raises questions regarding membership in Arcturus moving group.
HR 318 BD+52 262 6540 22021 I 915 01 07 09.5 +53 29 54 6.38 R K2III 4.0 21.7 D:AB optical.
HR 321 μ 30 BD+54 223 6582 22024 1030 W 405 01 08 16.4 +54 55 13 5.17 G5Vb 5.8 190.5 D:A* 5.15 G5Vp, 21.43y, a = 0.186", mag. diff 2V, sep. 1.4". Subdwarf with five visual and one astrometric components.,N:Marfak. Name shared with HR 343.,S:Metal deficient star.,SB:8393d, K 2.8k/s, V0 -98.0k/s, asini 310. Masses 0.8 and 0.3? solar. Resolved by speckle interferometry.
HR 326 BD+57 200 6676 22032 01 08 33.3 +58 15 49 5.79 B8V
HR 336 31 BD+68 77 6829 11612 2074 W 01 10 39.3 +68 46 43 5.29 A0Vnn D:Suspected visual double is probably single.
HR 342 BD+63 149 6960 11615 424 01 11 25.6 +64 12 10 5.55 B9.5V VAR:E?, 5.35 - 5.59V.
HR 343 θ 33 BD+54 236 6961 22070 W 423 01 11 06.2 +55 08 59 4.33 A7V 5.9 145.6 G:Hyades moving group.,N:Marfak. Name shared with HR 321.,SB:Unresolved by speckle interferometry.,VAR:Delta Sct?
HR 345 32 BD+64 127 6972 11617 2078 RU Cas 01 11 41.4 +65 01 08 5.57 B9IV VAR:Cst? 5.50 - 5.60V.
HR 354 BD+60 186 7157 11637 987 01 13 09.9 +61 42 21 6.41 B9V 2.8 1.2
HR 365 BD+70 90 7389 4358 01 16 12.1 +71 44 38 7.83 K1V M:Mag. 7.38V and colors from Nicolet. However, HD gives 6.38ptm, 7.38ptg. Abt and Biggs RV Bibliography quotes 6.20V;,M:and AGK3 has 7.7ptg.
HR 375 BD+76 40 7732 4376 01 20 19.5 +77 34 14 6.31 G5III
HR 381 BD+75 59 7925 4387 2087 01 21 59.1 +76 14 20 6.38 F0IVn
HR 382 φ 34 BD+57 260 7927 22191 I 1073 01 20 04.9 +58 13 54 4.98 F0Ia 1.9 133.8 D:ADS 1073, quintuple system: A = NGC 457 #136; B, 12.3v at 49"; C = NGC 457 #131 = HD 7902, 6.99V, +0.42(B-V),,D:-0.38(U-B), B5Ia at 134", vsini =<25k/s; D, 10.19V, +0.29(B-V), -0.47(U-B) at 179"; E, 10.63V, +0.28(B-V), -0.52(U-B) at,D:170".,G:In open cluster NGC 457, #136.
HR 384 35 BD+63 176 8003 11712 1088 474 01 21 05.2 +64 39 30 6.34 A2Vnn 2.1 55.5
HR 391 BD+57 274 8272 22230 1105 01 23 21.6 +58 08 35 6.45 F4V 0.2 0.5 D:AB 7.1, 7.3v, binary, combined mag. and color. Components C, 12.8v at 46" and D, 10.50v at 249" probably optical.
HR 398 BD+70 102 8424 4401 01 25 46.5 +70 58 48 6.49 R A0Vnn
HR 399 ψ 36 BD+67 123 8491 11751 46 I 1129 01 25 56.0 +68 07 48 4.74 K0III 5.2 23.2 D:ADS 1129B, 13.5v, 3" CPM with A. Component C optical, 9.18V, +0.66 (B-V), +0.34(U-B), Am.
HR 403 δ 37 BD+59 248 8538 22268 48 I W Del Cas 01 25 49.0 +60 14 07 2.68 A5III-IV v 8.7 131.7 C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.27.,D:Unresolved by speckle interferometry 1981.69.,G:Hyades group.,N:Ruchbah; Rucba; Rucha; also Ksora in Becvar.,S:Also classified A5V.,VAR:EA? 2.68 - 2.76V, 759d.
HR 427 38 BD+69 102 9021 4422 1042 01 31 13.8 +70 15 53 5.81 F6V SB:134.078d, K 19.9k/s, V0 +1.1k/s, asini 34.9. Unresolved by speckle interferometry.
HR 428 BD+65 175 9030 11788 01 30 52.3 +66 05 53 6.14 A2V s G:Hyades group.
HR 439 BD+57 320 9352 22389 I S 01 33 25.8 +58 19 39 5.70 K0Ib+B9V D:Unresolved by speckle interferometry 1983.94.,S:Also classified K3Ib-II + B9V. vsini of secondary 200k/s.
HR 442 χ 39 BD+58 260 9408 22397 I 01 33 55.9 +59 13 55 4.71 G9IIIb
HR 449 BD+73 81 9612 4448 01 37 22.5 +74 18 03 6.58 B9Ve
HR 456 40 BD+72 86 9774 4453 51 1268 567 01 38 30.9 +73 02 24 5.28 G8III 6.4 53.3
HR 461 BD+57 349 9900 22456 2108 I 01 38 07.6 +57 58 39 5.56 G5II G:UMa stream.,S:Also classified K1Ia and K0IICN+2.
HR 478 43 BD+67 149 10221 11919 55 V557 Cas 01 42 20.5 +68 02 35 5.59 A0pSiSr VAR:Alpha CV, 5.55 - 5.64V, 3.1848d.
HR 480 42 BD+69 114 10250 4470 590 01 42 55.9 +70 37 21 5.18 B9V VAR:EA, amp. 0.3V, 16.77d.
HR 481 BD+60 308 10260 11920 01 42 03.0 +61 02 18 6.71 B8IIIpSi S:Manganese star.
HR 482 BD+57 370 10293 22520 1334 01 42 17.8 +58 37 40 6.37 B8III 2.4 20.1 D:Third component mag. diff 4.74v, 110" from A. Component B is K2V, optical.,S:Also classified B7V.
HR 488 BD+60 312 10362 11931 01 42 58.4 +61 25 18 6.34 B7II G:Foreground star, Cas OB8.
HR 491 44 BD+59 307 10425 11941 1344 01 43 19.7 +60 33 04 5.78 B8IIIn 5.1 66.0 SB:ADS 1344A.
HR 499 BD+56 330 10543 22566 1359 01 44 17.9 +57 32 11 6.21 A3V 1.4 1.2 D:6.4 A2, 7.8 F0, 573.52y, a = 1.07".,DYN:0.016".
HR 502 BD+56 334 10587 22578 01 44 46.1 +57 05 21 6.25 A2V
HR 511 BD+63 238 10780 11983 W 01 47 44.8 +63 51 08 5.63 K0V 3.1 91.1 D:Component A, astrometric binary unresolved by speckle interferometry.,S:Iron-rich star.
HR 542 ε 45 BD+62 320 11415 12031 63 652 01 54 23.7 +63 40 12 3.38 B3III G:Cas-Tau OB1; member of Pleiades group.,N:Called Segin in Becvar; Allen gives Ruchbah, a name more commonly applied to HR 403.,S:Helium weak. Shell star. Usually classified B3Vp.
HR 548 ω 46 BD+67 169 11529 12038 2129 659 01 56 00.0 +68 41 07 4.99 B8III G:Pleiades group.,SB:69.92d, K 29.6k/s, V0 -24.8k/s, asini 27.1.
HR 561 BD+60 398 11857 12065 678 01 58 33.3 +61 41 53 6.02 B5III VAR:6.00 - 6.30V.
HR 567 BD+63 265 11946 12076 1571 01 59 38.0 +64 37 17 5.26 A0Vn 5.6 41.5 D:Optical.
HR 575 48 BD+70 153 12111 4554 1598 694 02 01 57.4 +70 54 25 4.54 A3IV 1.7 0.5 D:AB 4.71 A4V, 6.41 F2V, 60.44y, a = 0.653". Perturbation periods of 26 or 39y suspected. C, 13.6v, 24" CPM; D, 13.0v 48",D:optical. Additional unseen companion suspected.,DYN:0.027".,G:Sirius group?,N:Also called A Cas.,SB:ADS 1598A, 20,146.1d, K 4.0k/s, V0 -8.5k/s, asini 776.,VAR:ADS 1598B. B-A varies 1.5 - 3.0v.
HR 579 BD+73 108 12173 4559 1606 02 03 10.5 +73 51 02 6.23 R A5III 3.1 5.5
HR 580 50 BD+71 117 12216 4560 70 02 03 26.1 +72 25 17 3.98 A2V
HR 581 47 BD+76 63 12230 4562 2139 W 02 05 07.4 +77 16 53 5.38 F0Vn 6.0 95.6
HR 586 52 BD+64 282 12279 12095 02 02 52.7 +64 54 05 6.00 A1Vn
HR 589 53 BD+63 274 12301 12097 02 03 00.3 +64 23 24 5.58 B8Ib
HR 592 49 BD+75 86 12339 4565 1625 02 05 31.2 +76 06 54 5.22 G8III 7.0 5.4 D:ADS 1625AB, CPM.
HR 598 BD+64 285 12468 12105 02 04 40.1 +65 06 12 6.52 A0V
HR 626 BD+73 121 13222 4599 2149 02 13 21.2 +74 01 40 6.29 G8III
HR 640 55 BD+65 239 13474 12180 76 S 753 02 14 29.1 +66 31 28 6.07 G0II-III+B9V D:Resolved by speckle interferometry 1983.93, sep. 0.07".,S:vsini of G0 component, 70k/s; of B9 component 85k/s.
HR 668 BD+63 320 14171 12226 02 20 12.9 +64 20 14 6.60 B9.5V
HR 707 ι BD+66 213 15089 12298 1860 Iot Cas 02 29 04.0 +67 24 09 4.52 A5pSr v 2.2 2.3 D:AB 4.64 A3Vp, 6.89 F5, 840y, a = 2.27". A* 4.64 A5p, 52.4y, a = 0.113". Unresolved by speckle interferometry.,D:ABxC 4.51 A5p, 8.40 G7V, probably physical, 6.706" periastron for parabolic orbit. vsini of C =<50k/s.,DYN:0.012".,R:Diam. relative to Sun = 2.9.,S:Also classified B9pCrSr; strong SrII, CrII.,VAR:ADS 1860A, Alpha CV, 4.45 - 4.53V, 1.74050d. Also magnetic and Sp. period.
HR 743 BD+72 140 15920 4694 87 02 38 02.0 +72 49 06 5.16 G8III
HR 747 BD+65 280 16024 12361 2178 I 02 37 36.1 +65 44 44 5.78 K5III
HR 791 BD+67 224 16769 12421 92 02 44 49.7 +67 49 29 5.95 A5III SB:2.5364d, K 55.1k/s, V0 +4.3k/s, asini 1.92.
HR 815 BD+69 179 17138 12445 RZ Cas 02 48 55.5 +69 38 03 6.18 A3V G:In reflection nebulosity.,SB:1.1953d, K 68k/s, V0 -40k/s, asini 1.12. Masses 1.8 and 0.6 solar.,VAR:EA 6.18 - 7.72V, 1.1952473d. Period varies irregularly. i 82.14d. May have two dark companions with orbital periods 23,VAR:and 105y.
HR 829 BD+68 200 17463 12472 2195 SU Cas 02 51 58.7 +68 53 19 5.80 F5:Ib-II G:In reflection nebulosity.,VAR:CDelta 5.78 - 6.16V, 1.949319d, possibly changing. RV varies in same period.
HR 839 BD+57 651 17581 23662 W 02 51 45.5 +58 18 53 6.45 A1m 2.8 192.7 SB:8.2504d, K 12.9k/s, V0 -5.8k/s, asini 1.42.
HR 860 BD+60 591 17948 12517 2201 W 02 55 56.9 +61 31 16 5.59 F4V 5.5 89.6
HR 861 BD+63 369 17958 12519 I W 985 02 56 24.8 +64 19 57 6.24 K3Ib v 3.4 115.6 G:Cam OB1.
HR 922 BD+63 390 19065 12608 2219 03 07 19.0 +64 03 28 5.89 B9V
HR 932 BD+73 168 19275 4840 2222 03 11 56.3 +74 23 37 4.87 A2Vnn
HR 1032 BD+71 201 21179 4917 I 03 30 19.5 +71 51 50 6.32 M2III
HR 1055 BD+72 178 21610 4936 2251 03 35 12.4 +73 20 49 6.57 A0Vn
HR 1080 BD+75 143 21970 4953 03 39 24.8 +75 44 23 6.27 G9III-IV
HR 8752 BD+56 2923 217476 35039 3839 I V509 Cas 23 00 05.1 +56 56 43 5.00 G40 v G:Cep OB1.,M:Radio source. One of the most luminous stars in the galaxy. Circumstellar gas shell. Circumstellar features observed in,M:infrared.,S:Formerly classified G0Ia, but is intrinsically considerably brighter. Also classified F8e-KIa + BIV. According to,S:Morgan and Keenan (1973, ARA&A, 11, 29) spectrum has varied slowly from G0 0 to G5 0 over the last 20 years.,VAR:SRd 4.75 - 5.50V. Spectrum variable. Variable NII emission. Probable nonradial pulsations coupled with mass loss.,VAR:Phase between V and B-V curves changed between 1980 and 1985, from half phase out of cycle to in phase. Cycles on,VAR:time scale of about a year. Bimodal radial pulsation inferred (Sheffer and Lambert 1987, PASP, 99, 1277) from analysis,VAR:of a decade of spectroscopic observations. As opposed to remarks on spectral type, the star appears to be getting,VAR:bluer (IBVS 3170), implying an increase in temperature of 800 K over the past decade.
HR 8761 BD+56 2927 217673 35062 I 23 01 30.7 +57 06 20 6.20 K1.5II
HR 8770 BD+54 2900 217833 35092 16474 V638 Cas 23 02 43.8 +55 14 11 6.50 B9IIIHe wk v 3.6 19.5 SB:Optical.,VAR:Alpha CV, amp. 0.10u, 5.36d. Spectrum variable.
HR 8778 BD+57 2676 217944 35103 23 03 21.6 +58 33 53 6.43 G8IV
HR 8797 1 BD+58 2545 218376 35147 23 06 36.9 +59 25 11 4.85 B0.5IV G:Cep OB3.
HR 8803 BD+58 2546 218440 35152 23 07 10.4 +59 43 39 6.40 B2V SB:7.2511d, K 87.9k/s, V0 -4.6k/s, msin3i 4.81, asini 8.11.
HR 8822 2 BD+58 2552 218753 35186 16556 Var? 23 09 44.1 +59 19 59 5.70 A5III 4.3 167.2 D:C, 8.14V, +0.15(B-V), -0.38(U-B), A, HD 218780.,VAR:ADS 16556A.
HR 8832 BD+56 2966 219134 35236 875 W 14458 23 13 17.0 +57 10 06 5.56 K3V 3.8 106.6 D:Astrometric binary unresolved by speckle interferometry.,VAR:Amp. 0.02B.
HR 8853 BD+52 3410 219623 35285 3863 W 23 16 42.3 +53 12 49 5.54 F7V 7.3 129.3
HR 8854 BD+61 2413 219634 20531 V649 Cas 23 16 26.8 +61 57 47 6.53 B0Vn SB:Circular orbit, 2.3912d.,VAR:E, amp. 0.08V, 0.09B. Close to X-ray source 4U2316+61.
HR 8881 BD+61 2427 220074 20567 I 23 20 14.3 +61 58 12 6.45 R K1V G:NGC 7654 #288 (M52).
HR 8886 BD+61 2428 220130 20572 I 16690 23 20 34.6 +62 12 47 6.39 K2III 5.5 12.7 G:NGC 7654 #265 (M52).,S:Also classified K3Ib and G8I.
HR 8894 BD+59 2710 220369 35361 3874 I 23 22 32.5 +60 08 01 5.56 K3II
HR 8904 4 BD+61 2444 220652 20614 882 I W 14549 23 24 50.3 +62 16 58 4.98 M1III 2.5 98.6 G:NGC 7654 #923 (M52); Wolf 630 group.
HR 8926 BD+57 2748 221253 35478 16795 AR Cas 23 30 02.0 +58 32 56 4.91 B3IV 2.3 75.7 D:AB, 4.9, 9.3V, 1500y, sep. 1.1". CD, 8.2 A0Vn, 9.8v, sep. 1.6"; vsini of C, 210k/s. Component E, optical.,DYN:0.003" for components CD.,G:Cas-Tau OB1.,SB:ADS 16795A, 6.0663d, K 56.7k/s, V0 -13.4k/s, asini 4.58. Alternate orbits 6.0663309d, K 54.18k/s, V0 -10.10k/s,,SB:asini 4.44; 6.0668d, K 56.2k/s, V0 -11.0k/s, asini 4.6027. Apsidal period 1500 1800y.,VAR:ADS 16795A, EA 4.84 - 4.98V, 6.0663309d; i 90d.
HR 8981 BD+48 4127 222570 53276 23 41 26.9 +49 30 44 6.26 A4V
HR 8985 BD+56 3067 222618 35682 23 41 54.5 +57 15 36 6.24 R G8III
HR 8989 BD+63 2038 222670 20791 I 16940 23 42 20.8 +64 30 56 6.56 M2III 4.4 2.6
HR 8990 BD+60 2609 222682 20793 3900 W 23 42 31.5 +61 40 46 6.40 K2III 6.5 8.
HR 9000 BD+55 3010 222932 35728 23 44 48.3 +55 47 59 6.51 R gG4
HR 9008 τ 5 BD+57 2804 223165 35763 3909 I 14707 23 47 03.5 +58 39 07 4.87 K1IIIa
HR 9010 BD+56 3085 223173 35761 I 23 47 01.9 +57 27 05 5.51 K3IIb
HR 9017 BD+64 1861 223358 20866 17020 V650 Cas 23 48 39.0 +64 52 35 6.41 A0pSrSi:Cr: 2.0 0.7 D:AB 6.8 A0, 7.4v, 565.77y, a = 0.74". C, 8.6v at 50" optical.,DYN:0.006".,VAR:0.9135 or 1.092d. Amp. 0.03u.
HR 9018 6 BD+61 2533 223385 20869 17022 V566 Cas 23 48 50.2 +62 12 52 5.43 A3Ia e 5.1 1.5 D:AB binary. B is cA0.,G:Cas OB5.,RV:Period about 30d?,S:Shell star. Also classified A3eqIa-0.,VAR:Alpha Cyg 5.34 - 5.45V, =>46d.
HR 9019 BD+59 2777 223386 35794 23 48 53.9 +59 58 44 6.34 A0V
HR 9020 BD+58 2653 223421 35798 23 49 12.0 +58 57 47 6.33 F2IV
HR 9028 BD+50 4165 223552 35823 17032 23 50 22.3 +51 37 18 6.44 F3V 6.1 21.0
HR 9045 ρ 7 BD+56 3111 224014 35879 899 I Rho Cas 23 54 23.0 +57 29 58 4.54 G20e v D:Possibly wide CPM pair with HR 9052.,G:Cas OB5, within 51' of center of cluster NGC 7789, nonmember.,RV:Envelope has expansion velocity about 40k/s.,S:Also classified F8Ia-K0pIa-0.,VAR:SRd 4.1 - 6.2v, periods about 110 and 1100d (1946 minimum lasted 320d). Rapid spectral variation from cF5 to M5p.,VAR:Photoelectric observations since June 1986 indicate an amp. of only about 0.8V and 0.3(B-V).
HR 9052 BD+56 3115 224151 35899 V373 Cas 23 55 33.7 +57 24 44 6.00 B0.5II+B0.5II v D:Wide pair with HR 9045.,G:Cas OB9.,SB:13.4187d, K 117.5k/s, V0 -24.3k/s, msin3i 13.5, asini 21.6.,VAR:E:/GS 5.9 - 6.3v, 13.4192d. Intrinsic variable which may be eclipsing.
HR 9059 BD+54 3076 224355 35917 14773 23 57 08.5 +55 42 21 5.55 F1/6V+F3 S:Frequently quoted G8Ib is probably erroneous.,SB:12.156153d, K 71.8k/s, V0 +10.3k/s, msin3i 1.637, asini 11.394.,VAR:E?, amp. 0.05V.
HR 9063 BD+59 2795 224404 35922 23 57 33.5 +60 01 25 6.47 B9III-IV
HR 9066 BD+50 4202 224490 35938 I 17135 R Cas 23 58 24.8 +51 23 19 4.80 M7IIIe v 5.4 29.5 D:Companions optical.,P:Polarization possibly due to circumstellar dust scattering.,S:OH and H2O emission strong in infrared. IR spectra show water vapor. Variable M6e-M10e.,VAR:ADS 17135A, M 4.7 - 13.5v, 430.46d. Variable SiO maser source, indicating shell-like structure. Single cycle 6.45 to,VAR:11.25V, +1.31 to +2.66(B-V), -0.07 to +1.02(U-B).
HR 9071 σ 8 BD+54 3082 224572 35947 17140 23 59 00.5 +55 45 18 4.88 B1V 2.2 2.8 D:AB binary, 5.0v B2III, 7.1v B3V.,G:Probable foreground star of a sparse group with HR 9045, 9052 and several fainter stars.,S:Combined spectrum.,SB:ADS 17140B.
HR 9079 BD+58 2685 224784 35983 3928 00 00 30.9 +59 33 35 6.19 G9III-IV G:Gamma Leo group?
HR 9083 BD+49 4309 224870 53573 3929 00 01 19.3 +49 58 54 6.22 G7II-III
HR 9085 BD+60 2657 224893 21009 00 01 36.9 +61 13 23 5.55 F0III
HR 9094 BD+65 1987 225009 10937 1 A 00 02 36.1 +66 05 56 5.86 G8III 1.5 15.2 D:ADS 1B, 7.47V, +0.08(B-V), +0.05(U-B), A2Vn, vsini 275k/s, may be shell star. AB binary. C, 10.8m at 99" optical.
HR 9097 BD+62 2356 225094 10942 V639 Cas 00 03 25.7 +63 38 31 6.24 B3Ia e G:Cas OB5.,VAR:I? Amp. 0.1B.
HR 9100 9 BD+61 2586 225180 10954 W 00 04 13.6 +62 17 16 5.88 A1III 4.0 246.0
HR 9110 BD+60 2667 225289 10962 V567 Cas 00 05 06.2 +61 18 51 5.80 B8IVpHgMn VAR:Amp. 0.02:V, 6.4322d.


Key to columns [154]
HR Harvard Revised Number = Bright Star Number
B Bayer designation (greek letter)
F Flamsteed number
DM Durchmusterung Identification (BD = Bonn; CD = Cordoba; CP = Cape Photographic)
HD Henry Draper Catalog Number
SAO SAO Catalog Number
FK5 FK5 star Number
IR I if infrared source
M* Double or multiple-star code. (A = Astrometric binary; D = Duplicity discovered by occultation; I = Innes, Southern Double Star Catalogue (1927); R = Rossiter, Michigan Publ. 9, 1955; S = Duplicity discovered by speckle interferometry; W = Worley (1978) update of the IDS;)
ADS Aitken's Double Star Catalog (ADS) designation
VarID Variable star identification
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
vMag Visual magnitude
spType Spectral type
dMag Magnitude difference of double, or brightest multiple
Sep Separation of components in Dmag if occultation binary (arcsec)
Remarks Note on Category (C = Colors; D = Double and multiple stars; DYN = Dynamical parallaxes; G = Group membership; M = Miscellaneous; N = Star names; P = Polarization; R = Stellar radii or diameters; RV = Radial and/or rotational velocities; S = Spectra; SB = Spectroscopic binaries; VAR = Variability)
