
Canis Maior / Yale Bright Star Catalog (HR)

«Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed.» Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H., 1991 [154]
HR B F DM HD SAO FK5 IR M* ADS VarID RA Dec vMag spType dMag Sep Remarks
HR 2213 BD-17 1398 42927 151227 06 12 46.3 -17 45 47 6.52 B3III
HR 2225 CD-23 3577 43162 171428 06 13 45.1 -23 51 43 6.39 G5
HR 2226 CD-29 2883 43179 171425 06 13 33.3 -29 23 46 6.54 B7V
HR 2242 BD-20 1336 43396 171458 I 06 15 08.4 -20 16 20 5.91 K0
HR 2243 BD-18 1352 43429 151274 06 15 17.5 -18 28 36 5.99 K0
HR 2244 BD-13 1411 43445 151283 06 15 44.9 -13 43 06 5.01 B9Vn
HR 2249 BD-16 1415 43544 151294 2891 06 16 07.7 -16 37 04 5.92 B2.5Vn e S:H alpha emission.
HR 2252 CD-29 2936 43636 171482 06 15 57.2 -29 47 18 6.67 K4III
HR 2254 BD-22 1364 43745 171502 W 06 17 03.5 -22 42 54 6.07 G0V 4.4 47.6 D:Optical.,G:Wolf 630 group.
HR 2260 BD-16 1426 43827 151322 I 2903 06 17 41.7 -16 48 57 5.14 K3III S:Bright ultraviolet.,VAR:Amp. 0.03V.
HR 2266 BD-19 1407 43955 151334 2483 06 18 13.7 -19 58 01 5.52 B2V
HR 2268 BD-14 1400 44021 151346 I 2912 06 18 48.8 -15 01 29 6.06 M0III G:Probable Hyades group.
HR 2271 BD-20 1355 44081 171549 2915 06 18 59.0 -20 55 34 5.81 B4IV VAR:Beta C?, amp. >0.002V.
HR 2282 ζ 1 CD-30 3038 44402 196698 240 W 2927 06 20 18.8 -30 03 48 3.02 B2.5V 4.6 175.5 G:Member of the local association (Pleiades group).,N:Furud; Phurud.,SB:675d, K 13.5k/s, V0 +32.2k/s, asini 103.,VAR:Beta C?
HR 2284 BD-11 1460 44458 151401 4978 FR CMa 06 21 24.7 -11 46 24 5.64 B1Vpe v 4.2 4.2 D:AB CPM. C at 56", optical?,S:Also classified B1Vpc. Variable emission lines.,VAR:Gamma Cas 5.46 - 5.64V.
HR 2294 β 2 BD-17 1467 44743 151428 243 I W Bet CMa 06 22 42.0 -17 57 21 1.98 B1II-III 7.8 185.9 C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.01.,N:Murzim; Mirzam; Mirza.,R:Diam. = 0.00050 - 0.00052".,RV:0.25002246 and 49d.,S:Lyman alpha and Lyman beta observed from COPERNICUS.,VAR:Beta C 1.93 - 2.00V. Prototype star. Multi-periodic: 0.25002246, 0.2513003, 49.17 and 0.23904d, others reported. Beat,VAR:periods 49.198, 5.442 and 4.900d. Sp. also var. over 0.25d.
HR 2303 BD-14 1428 44891 151450 I 06 23 46.0 -15 04 18 6.24 K2
HR 2305 BD-11 1478 44951 151458 1171 I 06 24 10.3 -11 31 49 5.22 K3III
HR 2306 BD-19 1435 44953 151453 5023 2944 06 23 47.6 -19 47 07 6.60 B8IIIHe wk 0.3 0.8 VAR:ADS 5023B, 7.5 - 9.0v.
HR 2307 CD-31 3245 44956 196759 06 23 14.4 -31 47 24 6.34 G8III
HR 2309 BD-12 1470 44996 151461 5030 06 24 20.5 -12 57 45 6.12 B5Ve 4.4 23.2 D:CPM companion F0V; however, the companion is optical.,RV:Hube gives single plate, +68k/s.
HR 2311 CD-25 3189 45018 171688 2490 I 06 23 55.9 -25 34 40 5.63 K5III
HR 2318 CD-28 2981 45184 171711 I 06 24 43.9 -28 46 48 6.39 G2IV S:Also classified G2IV.
HR 2349 CD-25 3237 45588 171774 W 06 27 11.2 -25 51 24 6.07 F9V 6.5 43.
HR 2359 BD-17 1506 45765 151546 06 28 37.3 -17 27 58 5.77 G5
HR 2361 λ CD-32 3066 45813 196857 06 28 10.1 -32 34 48 4.48 B4V
HR 2364 CD-32 3072 45871 196861 W Var 06 28 39.2 -32 22 16 5.74 B4Vnpe 2.0 1.2 S:Shell star.,VAR:Amp. 0.055b.
HR 2373 BD-13 1519 46064 151585 5148 06 30 34.7 -13 08 53 6.16 B1.5V 5.0 33.2 D:Companion F5V, optical.
HR 2379 BD-12 1518 46184 151602 I W 06 31 23.0 -12 23 30 5.15 K3III 8.3 14.8
HR 2380 CD-27 3051 46189 171866 2499 06 30 46.3 -27 46 10 5.93 B2.5V
HR 2387 ξ1 4 CD-23 3991 46328 171895 5176 Xi1 CMa 06 31 51.3 -23 25 06 4.33 B0.5IV 9.6 24.6 G:Possible member CR 121; OB1 group near Omicron CMa.,S:Abnormally strong UV SiIV and CIV for its luminosity class.,VAR:Beta C 4.33 - 4.36V, 0.2095755d, secondary variations. Effective temperature varies by 1400K and ratio of max. to,VAR:min. radius by 1.042.
HR 2392 BD-11 1520 46407 151625 3024 06 32 46.9 -11 09 59 6.24 G9.5III:Ba3 S:BaII star. Overabundance of praseodymium.
HR 2397 CD-31 3407 46547 196919 W Var 06 32 39.0 -32 01 50 5.69 B2IVe 3.0 24.7 D:Companion 8.70V, -0.08(B-V), -0.40(U-B), A0V, optical?,VAR:Beta C, 5.64 - 5.72V.
HR 2403 BD-20 1437 46602 171940 06 33 26.6 -20 55 26 6.40 G5
HR 2414 ξ2 5 BD-22 1458 46933 171982 249 06 35 03.4 -22 57 53 4.54 A0V
HR 2415 CD-32 3168 46936 196955 2506 06 34 35.3 -32 42 59 5.62 B8V
HR 2423 ν1 6 BD-18 1480 47138 151694 5253 A 06 36 22.8 -18 39 36 5.70 G8III+F3IV-V 1.9 17.4 D:CPM. Companion 7.65V, +0.32(B-V), +0.02(U-B), F2V.
HR 2428 BD-13 1570 47182 151700 I 06 36 46.7 -13 19 15 5.97 K5
HR 2429 ν2 7 BD-19 1502 47205 151702 2510 I 3047 06 36 41.0 -19 15 21 3.95 K1III
HR 2433 BD-22 1472 47247 172021 5260 06 36 40.9 -22 36 54 6.35 B5V 3.6 9.1 D:Companion A2V.,RV:Hube single plate, -95k/s.
HR 2437 BD-12 1566 47366 151725 06 37 40.9 -12 59 06 6.12 K0
HR 2443 ν3 8 BD-18 1492 47442 151730 I 06 37 53.4 -18 14 15 4.43 K1-II-III G:UMa stream.,S:Also classified K1III, K3-III Fe-0.5.
HR 2447 CD-32 3216 47536 197019 I 06 37 47.6 -32 20 23 5.27 K2III G:Sigma Pup group.
HR 2448 BD-16 1554 47561 151737 06 38 35.4 -16 52 25 6.03 A1V s
HR 2450 BD-14 1525 47667 151751 2515 I 06 39 16.7 -14 08 45 4.82 K2II G:Red star Pleiades group.
HR 2455 CD-23 4172 47827 172102 W 06 39 36.3 -23 41 44 6.05 A0 0.4 0.1
HR 2460 CD-30 3386 47946 197057 06 39 42.7 -30 28 13 5.71 K0III
HR 2481 BD-22 1505 48501 172204 5377 A 3181 06 42 45.8 -22 26 57 6.13 F0 2.1 18.2 D:CPM.
HR 2491 α 9 BD-16 1591 48915 151881 257 I 5423 06 45 08.9 -16 42 58 -1.46 A1Vm 10.3 11.2 C:Color excess E(B-V) = -0.03.,D:AB -1.46 A1V, 8.49 A1V, 50.090y, a = 7.500" or 49.94y, a = 7.62". D, 14.0v at 32" from A. C, companion to B at 1.4",D:suspected but not confirmed. B is first white dwarf ever discovered; predicted by Bessel (1844) on basis of orbital,D:motion of Sirius, it was first seen by Alvan Clark in 1862, and its peculiar high temperature, small size and great,D:density established by W. Adams in 1925.,DYN:0.376".,G:Sirius group; UMa stream.,M:Soft X-rays observed from Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS). Sirius B not unusual compared with other dA white,M:dwarfs. Effective temperature about 32000K.,N:SIRIUS; Canicula; Dog Star; Aschere.,R:Diam. = 0.00560 - 0.00589".,S:Cadmium discovered in spectra from COPERNICUS. Iron overabundant by a factor of 5 in comparison with Sun and titanium by,S:a factor of 2. Possibility that the atmosphere of Sirius A polluted by material ejected from Sirius B. Weak magnetic,S:field. Barium abundance greater than solar abundance by about 1.76. Also classified A/A0/A1.,SB:50.04y D, K 2.4k/s, V0 -7.6k/s, asini 487.
HR 2492 10 CD-30 3484 48917 197149 W FT CMa 06 44 28.4 -31 04 14 5.20 B2IIIe v 5.4 36.3 G:Collinder 121 #23.,RV:vsini 200k/s.,S:Also classified B2Ve. H alpha emission variable.,VAR:Gamma Cas 5.13 - 5.44V. Also classified beta C, 5.10 - 5.26V.
HR 2493 CD-27 3248 48938 172264 06 44 51.9 -27 20 29 6.45 G2V
HR 2495 CD-23 4325 49001 172273 06 45 23.3 -23 27 43 6.05 K0
HR 2497 CD-30 3495 49028 197163 W 06 45 02.4 -30 35 10 6.54 B8IV 3.9 4.4 G:Collinder 121 #36.
HR 2498 BD-14 1573 49048 151895 06 45 59.3 -14 47 46 5.32 A2V
HR 2500 CD-31 3640 49095 197171 06 45 22.8 -31 47 37 5.92 F6V
HR 2501 CD-30 3505 49131 197177 W HP CMa 06 45 31.3 -30 56 56 5.80 B2III e 2.3 4.9 S:H alpha emission.,VAR:Beta C, 5.48 - 5.76V.
HR 2504 11 BD-14 1584 49229 151919 06 46 51.1 -14 25 33 5.29 B9III
HR 2509 12 BD-20 1576 49333 172318 HK CMa 06 47 01.5 -21 00 56 6.08 B7IIIn G:In open cluster NGC 2287 #109; Collinder 121 #37.,S:He weak.,VAR:Alpha CV 6.06 - 6.09V, 2.181d.
HR 2522 BD-14 1599 49662 151962 5487 06 48 57.8 -15 08 41 5.39 B6V 2.7 0.7
HR 2528 CD-23 4438 49891 172389 5498 06 49 44.0 -24 04 33 6.33 A1 1.3 1.6 D:AB binary.
HR 2535 BD-16 1624 49980 151992 I 06 50 21.9 -17 05 02 5.79 K0
HR 2537 CD-27 3310 50012 172403 2528 3234 06 50 06.0 -27 20 02 7.04 B2IV VAR:7.01 - 7.06?V. Radial velocity possibly variable from +22 to +44k/s.
HR 2538 κ 13 CD-32 3404 50013 197258 1180 Kap CMa 06 49 50.5 -32 30 31 3.96 B1.5IVne v S:H alpha emission; typical shell spectrum. Equivalent width of H alpha is variable.,VAR:Gamma Cas 3.78 - 3.97V, 3.7 - 3.85B.
HR 2544 CD-25 3691 50093 172420 06 50 36.9 -25 46 41 6.33 B2V
HR 2545 CD-31 3717 50123 197263 W 06 50 23.3 -31 42 22 5.70 B6Vnpe v 2.1 42.9 D:AB binary. B discordantly classified B9V: or A6:, vsini 158k/s.,RV:Comp. B, RV var.,VAR:H alpha variable.
HR 2565 BD-18 1591 50644 152055 06 53 18.8 -19 01 58 5.64 F1V
HR 2566 BD-18 1594 50643 152056 06 53 21.7 -18 56 00 6.14 A5m
HR 2567 CD-26 3529 50648 172504 I 5548 3259 06 53 00.1 -26 57 27 6.40 M4III 7.5 11.9 VAR:ADS 5548A, Lb, amp. 0.22V.
HR 2571 15 BD-20 1616 50707 172520 2532 EY CMa 06 53 32.9 -20 13 27 4.83 B1IV G:Probable member Collinder 121 (#24); OB group near Omicron CMa.,N:Old sources call this Pi1 CMa, HR 2558 Pi2 and HR 2590 Pi3. Superscripts no longer,N:retained.,RV:0.184558d.,VAR:Beta C 4.60 - 4.63B, 0.184557 and 0.19296d, beat per. about 2d.
HR 2574 θ 14 BD-11 1681 50778 152071 266 I 06 54 11.4 -12 02 19 4.07 K4III G:61 Cyg group.
HR 2576 CD-28 3554 50806 172524 06 53 33.9 -28 32 23 6.04 G5IV G:Arcturus group.
HR 2578 CD-24 4565 50853 172531 06 53 55.3 -24 32 21 6.21 A1 G:Nonmember near Collinder 121 (#2).
HR 2580 ο1 16 CD-24 4567 50877 172542 I Omi1 CMa 06 54 07.9 -24 11 02 3.87 K2+Iab G:Member OB group near Omicron CMa; in cluster Collinder 121 (#1).,VAR:Lc 3.78 - 3.99V.
HR 2583 CD-23 4553 50896 172546 EZ CMa 06 54 13.0 -23 55 42 6.91 WN5-B v G:In HII region; member OB group near Omicron CMa; in cluster Collinder 121 (#4). The central star of a ring nebula.,RV:Var. by 300k/s in less than 1d. Suspected binary. Interstellar lines RV +36k/s.,S:One of only four WR stars bright enough to have been observed spectroscopically in UV by COPERNICUS. Reminiscent of,S:spectra of nova-like variables during an outburst, which is typical of close binaries. Circumstellar matter. Helium,S:rich. HII ring. Shell surrounding the star is estimated to be three solar masses. The B in the spectral type denotes,S:broad lines here, not a B-type spectrum.,SB:3.763d, K 36.1k/s, V0 +46.9k/s.,VAR:E? 6.71 - 6.95V, 3.763d, possibly irregular. HeII 4686 var. about 13d; profiles var. in minutes. Suspected SN remnant.,VAR:Companion is probably a neutron star.
HR 2588 17 BD-20 1624 51055 172569 5585 06 55 02.7 -20 24 17 5.74 A3IV 3.2 50.5 D:Component B is 9.3v K5 at 44"; D, 9.5 at 130".,N:See HR 2571.
HR 2590 π 19 BD-19 1610 51199 172579 5602 3285 06 55 37.4 -20 08 11 4.68 gF2 5.0 11.6 D:CPM.,N:See HR 2571.
HR 2593 μ 18 BD-13 1741 51250 152123 I 5605 06 56 06.6 -14 02 37 5.00 G5III+A2 2.5 2.8 D:AB fixed.
HR 2595 BD-22 1602 51283 172588 06 55 46.8 -22 56 29 5.30 B3II-III G:Member OB group near Omicron CMa; Collinder 121 (#25).,M:Old disk population runaway star.
HR 2596 ι 20 BD-16 1661 51309 152126 2536 Iot CMa 06 56 08.2 -17 03 15 4.37 B3II G:Sirius group? Member of the local association (Pleiades group); possible member Collinder 121 (#26).,VAR:Beta C 4.36 - 4.40v, 0.08:d.
HR 2598 CD-31 3808 51411 197371 W 06 55 54.8 -31 47 24 6.36 B3V 7.6 18.8 SB:Large amp., moderate rotation. Secondary fainter and later Sp.
HR 2603 BD-22 1616 51630 172631 HH CMa 06 57 14.8 -22 12 12 6.61 B1-2III: G:Collinder 121 #38.,S:Very sharp lines. Previously classified B8, B2IV-V.,VAR:Beta C 6.50 - 6.66V, 0.19d.
HR 2607 CD-24 4648 51733 172644 5629 06 57 33.9 -24 37 50 5.46 dF0 1.3 1.1
HR 2611 CD-27 3460 51823 172650 06 57 42.4 -27 32 15 6.23 B2.5V G:Collinder 121 #39.
HR 2614 CD-26 3646 51925 172656 W 3316 06 58 07.6 -27 09 53 6.37 B2.5III 0.4 0.2 G:Sco-Cen assoc.
HR 2616 CD-25 3864 52018 172669 5651 06 58 35.9 -25 24 50 5.59 B3V 7.0 10.2 G:Collinder 121 #40.
HR 2618 ε 21 CD-28 3666 52089 172676 268 I 5654 06 58 37.5 -28 58 20 1.50 B2II 6.4 7.5 C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.02.,D:Fixed sep.,G:Member of Pleiades group.,N:ADARA; ADHARA.,R:Diam. = 0.00077 - 0.00080".,S:Lyman alpha observed from COPERNICUS.
HR 2621 CD-30 3757 52140 197432 W 06 58 43.8 -30 59 52 6.42 B3V 2.6 35.0 D:Component B, M5III; component C, F6V, optical.,G:Collinder 121 #41.
HR 2623 BD-21 1689 52273 172700 06 59 39.3 -21 36 12 6.26 B2-3IV-V:
HR 2625 BD-19 1644 52348 172718 07 00 08.1 -20 09 32 6.31 B4III
HR 2628 BD-21 1695 52437 172725 5687 FU CMa 07 00 19.3 -22 07 10 6.53 B2IV-Vne 0.0 0.1 D:Component X, K-type spectrum, optical.,VAR:Gamma Cas 6.48 - 6.60V. Time scale 7d.
HR 2637 CD-28 3711 52619 172749 07 00 42.6 -28 29 22 6.27 F5V
HR 2640 CD-25 3911 52670 172763 07 01 05.9 -25 12 55 5.63 B2V
HR 2646 σ 22 CD-27 3544 52877 172797 1183 I 5719 Sig CMa 07 01 43.1 -27 56 05 3.47 K7Ib e 10.5 10.0 G:Probable member OB group near Omicron CMa; Collinder 121 (#28).,S:Ultraviolet FeII emission.,VAR:Lc 3.43 - 3.49V.
HR 2653 ο2 24 CD-23 4797 53138 172839 270 07 03 01.5 -23 50 00 3.02 B3Iab v C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.03.,G:Probable member OB group near Omicron CMa; Collinder 121 (#29).,RV:Balmer lines suggest mass loss 10E-08 solar/year.,VAR:H alpha profile changes in 30 min. or less.
HR 2657 γ 23 BD-15 1625 53244 152303 271 07 03 45.5 -15 38 00 4.12 B8II G:Member of Pleiades group; Collinder 121 #30.,N:Muliphen; Muliphein; Isis; Mirza.
HR 2664 BD-21 1732 53629 172906 07 04 47.1 -22 01 56 6.09 K0
HR 2678 BD-11 1790 53974 152394 5795 FN CMa 07 06 40.7 -11 17 39 5.39 B0.5IV 1.3 0.5 D:Component C, 9v at 18" probably optical.,G:Exciting star of HII region S296; CMa OB1; reflection nebula; member assoc. CMa R1 at 690 pc.,S:Not generally considered an emission star, but H alpha fluctuations suggest emission.,VAR:Beta C 5.36 - 5.39V, 0.12377d?
HR 2679 BD-12 1788 53975 152393 07 06 35.9 -12 23 38 6.48 O7.5V G:In HII region; less than 0.5d from S296 and S297; member assoc. CMa OB1-R1.
HR 2680 CD-30 3907 54031 197566 07 06 00.6 -30 39 20 6.34 B3V
HR 2686 CD-24 4868 54173 172986 07 06 52.3 -24 57 38 6.08 K2
HR 2688 CD-26 3880 54224 172989 07 07 00.1 -26 39 28 6.62 B2IV-V M:This star and HR 938 form a pair with opposite motion. See HR 938.,VAR:Amp. 0.04b?
HR 2690 CD-23 4908 54309 173002 FV CMa 07 07 22.6 -23 50 25 5.71 B2IVe v G:Sco-Cen assoc.,S:Equivalent width of H alpha emission increased between 1981 and 1983.,VAR:Gamma Cas 5.64 - 5.92V.
HR 2693 δ 25 CD-26 3916 54605 173047 273 I 3424 07 08 23.5 -26 23 36 1.84 F8Ia G:Member OB group near Omicron CMa; Collinder 121 (#31).,N:Wezen; Alwazn; Wesen; Al Wazor.,R:Diam. = 0.00329 - 0.00360".
HR 2695 CD-23 4949 54669 173064 Var? 07 08 49.3 -24 02 39 6.65 B2V G:Possible member Collinder 121 (#32).
HR 2699 BD-16 1802 54764 152477 5837 07 09 33.2 -16 14 05 6.03 B1II 5.3 32.5 D:Component B, 11.3v, F3V.
HR 2704 CD-25 4120 54912 173101 W Var? 07 09 42.9 -25 13 52 5.69 B2.5IV 6.9 9.2 VAR:Amp. 0.04b?
HR 2705 BD-18 1711 54958 152497 W 07 10 09.3 -18 41 07 6.23 F0 5.0 0.8
HR 2708 CD-27 3710 55070 173122 07 10 19.4 -27 29 29 5.46 G8III
HR 2716 BD-20 1767 55344 173168 2556 07 11 41.6 -20 52 59 5.84 A0V
HR 2718 26 CD-25 4191 55522 173193 3458 07 12 12.2 -25 56 33 5.92 B2V VAR:Amp. 0.037V, 2.68d or double. May be SB with double period.
HR 2720 CD-30 4081 55568 197686 07 12 04.1 -30 49 18 6.10 A8V G:Foreground star in region of Collinder 132.
HR 2723 BD-11 1849 55589 152570 2557 I 07 13 07.2 -11 15 05 5.78 K0
HR 2724 CD-27 3761 55595 173200 HN CMa 07 12 24.1 -27 28 27 6.59 A5IV-V VAR:Delta Sct type.
HR 2730 BD-22 1756 55762 173230 I 3467 07 13 23.9 -22 40 24 6.01 K2III
HR 2733 BD-22 1761 55856 173247 5912 07 13 48.3 -22 54 23 6.36 B2IV+G5IV 1.8 19.7 D:Companion 9.07V, +0.77(B-V), +0.35(U-B), G1III or G5III, RV -3k/s, optical?
HR 2734 CD-27 3789 55857 173244 GY CMa 07 13 36.3 -27 21 23 6.12 B0.5V G:Collinder 121 #32.,RV:Same period.,VAR:Beta C, amp. 0.04V, 0.112d (variability questioned).
HR 2741 CD-30 4143 55958 197719 GG CMa 07 13 47.1 -31 05 02 6.60 B2IV G:Member Collinder 132a at 560 pc. Collinder 121 #42.,SB:Possibly SB with ellipsoidal components, one of which is Beta C type var.,VAR:Beta C 6.56 - 6.61V.
HR 2743 CD-30 4146 55985 197722 07 13 57.2 -30 20 24 6.33 B2IV-V G:Member Collinder 132a at 560 pc. Collinder 121 #43.
HR 2745 27 CD-26 4057 56014 173264 W EW CMa 07 14 15.2 -26 21 09 4.66 B3IIIe 0.0 0.1 D:31?y. Sep. 0.098".,S:Shell star.,SB:0.261975d.,VAR:Gamma Cas 4.42 - 4.82V.
HR 2749 ω 28 CD-26 4073 56139 173282 Ome CMa 07 14 48.7 -26 46 22 3.85 B2IV-Ve v RV:+22 to -10k/s change in 0.2d. Expanding circumstellar shell. Pole on. 1.36d period.,VAR:Gamma Cas 3.60 - 4.18V, cycles 20 - 22 hrs. Also amp. 0.06V on time scale of 5d reported. Hydrogen emission varies,VAR:with period 1.3667d (possibly a rotation period).
HR 2750 CD-26 4074 56160 173283 I 07 14 51.1 -27 02 17 5.58 K4III
HR 2755 CD-23 5173 56341 173319 07 15 47.5 -23 44 26 6.32 R A0
HR 2756 CD-30 4184 56342 197756 07 15 21.0 -30 41 11 5.36 B3V G:Could be member of either Collinder 132a or 132b on basis of magnitude and CI. Other data indicate foreground star.,G:See HR 2702.
HR 2758 BD-15 1734 56405 152641 2561 07 16 14.5 -15 35 09 5.46 A2Vnp S:Lambda Boo star, Mg 4481 wk.
HR 2764 CD-23 5189 56577 173349 I 5951 3503 07 16 36.8 -23 18 56 4.79 K3Ib-II 1.2 26.8 D:B, 6.01V, +0.49(B-V), dF0, optical.,G:In Omicron CMa group?
HR 2766 CD-27 3852 56618 173360 2562 I 07 16 35.0 -27 52 52 4.64 M3III G:Collinder 121 #44.
HR 2768 CD-30 4234 56731 197789 W 07 16 57.2 -30 53 48 6.32 A9II 1.7 37.9 D:CPM.,G:In region of Collinder 132, probably a foreground star.
HR 2774 CD-26 4140 56876 173411 07 17 47.9 -26 47 51 6.46 B2IV-V G:Sco-Cen assoc.,M:Old disk population runaway star.
HR 2781 29 CD-24 5173 57060 173444 I UW CMa 07 18 40.3 -24 33 32 4.98 O7Ia:fp v C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.18.,G:In HII reg. S310; probable runaway star; in cluster NGC 2362.,S:Weak C IV for its luminosity class of Ia. Variously classified O7f, O7.5If, O8.5If, O7e + O7:, O8f + O8f.,SB:4.3934d, K 222.5k/s, V0 +13.5k/s, asini 13.4. Alternate orbit 4.3934d, K 242k/s, V0 +13.7k/s, asini 14.6.,SB:Nearly equal components. Mass loss from primary; asymmetrically expanding atmosphere.,VAR:EB 4.84 - 5.33V, 4.5 - 4.8p, amp. 0.45V, 4.393407d. Sp. lines vary within about 1 hr. Variable polarization.
HR 2782 τ 30 CD-24 5176 57061 173446 I 5977 3528 07 18 42.4 -24 57 15 4.40 O9Ib 0.0 0.2 C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.15.,D:B, 10v at 8" fixed. D, 8.22V, -0.19(B-V), -0.93(U-B), B2V at 85".,G:In cluster NGC 2362 #23; in HII reg. S310. Although a neutral hydrogen cloud about 0.5d in diameter is in the region, it,G:is at a much greater distance and not associated with the cluster.,S:uv1548 absorption strong, emission weak.,SB:ADS 5977A, 154.90d, K 49.5k/s, V0 +43k/s, asini 101.,VAR:3.90 - 3.96p. Possibly same period as SB.
HR 2785 BD-19 1813 57118 152710 07 19 02.0 -19 16 49 6.09 F0Iab-Ib
HR 2786 CD-26 4164 57146 173453 I 07 18 51.2 -26 35 09 5.28 G2Ib C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.26.,G:Probable member OB group near Omicron CMa.,S:IUE observations give uv type of B9-9.5.
HR 2788 BD-16 1898 57167 152724 R CMa 07 19 28.1 -16 23 42 5.70 F1V SB:1.1359d, K 31.5k/s, V0 -42.5k/s, asini 0.492. Probable large scale mass exchange. Secondary is K3IV-V.,VAR:EA 5.70 - 6.34V, 1.13593876d. Per. changes, possibly sinusoidally. i 77d.
HR 2796 BD-14 1846 57478 152749 07 20 58.2 -14 21 36 5.45 gG5
HR 2799 BD-22 1823 57573 173517 Var 07 20 53.2 -22 51 06 6.61 B2.5V M:Old disk population runaway star.,VAR:Amp. 0.035b.
HR 2800 CD-26 4223 57593 173522 6015 HQ CMa 07 20 55.0 -26 57 49 6.01 B2.5V 7.2 8.2 G:Sco-Cen assoc.,VAR:EA, 6.01 - 6.27V, amp. 0.14b, 24.6d.
HR 2802 CD-25 4400 57615 173529 I 07 21 04.3 -25 53 29 5.87 M4III
HR 2812 BD-18 1806 57821 152776 2570 07 22 13.5 -19 01 00 4.96 B7IV
HR 2819 CD-31 4437 58155 197925 07 23 00.6 -31 55 26 5.43 B5IIIn e G:Member open cluster Collinder 140.,S:Shell star. H alpha emission. Also classified B4Vnp, but this is inconsistent with UBV cluster photometry.
HR 2822 CD-27 4020 58215 173622 I 07 23 29.1 -27 50 03 5.38 K2III
HR 2823 CD-31 4454 58286 197938 07 23 31.9 -32 12 08 5.39 B3III-IV S:Also classified B2V, inconsistent with cluster photometry.,SB:Nearly equal components.
HR 2824 CD-29 4322 58325 197944 07 23 54.3 -30 13 01 6.60 B2IV-V G:Collinder 121 #45.
HR 2825 BD-15 1810 58343 152834 FW CMa 07 24 40.1 -16 12 04 5.33 B2.5IVe v RV:31.9045d. Pole on.,VAR:Gamma Cas 5.00 - 5.50V. Emission lines vary in period of about one month or less.
HR 2826 BD-22 1855 58346 173656 07 24 17.2 -22 54 46 6.19 B8 G:Collinder 121 #46.
HR 2827 η 31 CD-29 4328 58350 173651 283 I W 07 24 05.7 -29 18 11 2.45 B5Ia 4.5 178.7 C:Color excess E(B-V) = +0.02.,D:Companion is A0V, optical, vsini =<54k/s.,G:Probable member OB group near Omicron CMa; member Collinder 121 (#34).,N:Aludra.,R:Diam. = 0.00072 - 0.00075".,S:Circumstellar shell.
HR 2831 BD-18 1825 58439 152837 W 07 24 50.7 -19 00 44 6.24 A2Ib 4.9 2.7
HR 2832 BD-13 2001 58461 152840 1192 W 07 25 08.3 -13 45 07 5.78 F0V
HR 2834 CD-31 4482 58535 197964 I W 3584 07 24 43.8 -31 48 32 5.35 G8II 2.1 99.2 G:Definite member Collinder 140.,M:Red giant of about 9 solar masses.,S:Also classified K1IIIa.,VAR:Comp. A of double. Amp. 0.1V.
HR 2839 BD-21 1925 58585 173691 W 07 25 19.9 -21 58 58 6.05 A8I-II: 7.4 2.4
HR 2841 CD-24 5366 58612 173697 2574 07 25 25.3 -25 13 04 5.78 B7III G:Collinder 121 #47.
HR 2847 CD-31 4506 58766 197986 Var? 07 25 43.0 -31 44 19 6.31 B2V G:Brightest main sequence member of open cluster Collinder 140.
HR 2850 CD-23 5477 58907 173743 07 26 40.7 -23 42 44 6.56 A1
HR 2853 BD-17 1980 58954 152894 6093 07 27 08.0 -17 51 52 5.63 A5n 5.3 1.6
HR 2855 BD-22 1874 58978 173752 FY CMa 07 26 59.4 -23 05 10 5.61 B0IV:pe G:Collinder 121 #35.,S:Shell star displaying H alpha and FeII emission.,VAR:Gamma Cas 5.55 - 5.69V.
HR 2859 BD-11 1951 59067 152909 6104 AB 3600 07 27 51.7 -11 33 25 5.79 G8Ib-II+B2+B8V 2.0 0.9 D:ABC fixed. B, 8.1B; C, 8.6 B8V or B9p Hg Mn: at 20". Mag., color for combined light.


Key to columns [154]
HR Harvard Revised Number = Bright Star Number
B Bayer designation (greek letter)
F Flamsteed number
DM Durchmusterung Identification (BD = Bonn; CD = Cordoba; CP = Cape Photographic)
HD Henry Draper Catalog Number
SAO SAO Catalog Number
FK5 FK5 star Number
IR I if infrared source
M* Double or multiple-star code. (A = Astrometric binary; D = Duplicity discovered by occultation; I = Innes, Southern Double Star Catalogue (1927); R = Rossiter, Michigan Publ. 9, 1955; S = Duplicity discovered by speckle interferometry; W = Worley (1978) update of the IDS;)
ADS Aitken's Double Star Catalog (ADS) designation
VarID Variable star identification
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
vMag Visual magnitude
spType Spectral type
dMag Magnitude difference of double, or brightest multiple
Sep Separation of components in Dmag if occultation binary (arcsec)
Remarks Note on Category (C = Colors; D = Double and multiple stars; DYN = Dynamical parallaxes; G = Group membership; M = Miscellaneous; N = Star names; P = Polarization; R = Stellar radii or diameters; RV = Radial and/or rotational velocities; S = Spectra; SB = Spectroscopic binaries; VAR = Variability)
