Constellations on Southern Sky

The following constellations can not be seen at a geographical latitude of 47° north (Switzerland).

IAU Name English Name Season Declination DSO
Apus (Aps)Bird of Paradise-67.5°-83.1°1
Ara (Ara)Altar-45.5°-67.7°3
Carina (Car)Keel-50.8°-75.7°5
Chamaeleon (Cha)Chameleon-75.3°-83.1°1
Circinus (Cir)Compass-55.4°-70.6°1
Crux (Cru)Southern Cross-55.7°-64.7°3
Dorado (Dor)Swordfish-48.7°-70.1°1
Horologium (Hor)Clock-39.6°-67.0°1
Hydrus (Hyi)Male Water Snake-57.8°-82.1°0
Indus (Ind)Indian-45.0°-74.5°0
Mensa (Men)Table Mountain-69.7°-85.3°0
Musca (Mus)Fly-64.6°-75.7°3
Norma (Nor)Carpenter's Square-42.3°-60.4°1
Octans (Oct)Octant-74.3°-90.0°0
Pavo (Pav)Peacock-56.6°-75.0°3
Phoenix (Phe)Phoenix-39.3°-57.8°0
Pictor (Pic)Painter's Easel-42.8°-64.2°0
Reticulum (Ret)Reticle-52.7°-67.2°0
Telescopium (Tel)Telescope-45.1°-57.0°0
Triangulum Australe (TrA)Southern Triangle-60.3°-70.5°1
Tucana (Tuc)Toucan-56.3°-75.3°2
Volans (Vol)Flying Fish-64.1°-75.5°0

Note: The «Season» column indicates the months in which the constellation is highest in the sky at night at a latitude of 47 ° North and can therefore best be observed. In the middle of the month, the constellation (IAU limit) will be wholly or partially above the horizon at midnight. In the case of circumpolar constellations, these are located near the zenith. So it can partly be seen outside of the season, but then either goes down early or rises very late or is only partially visible. DSO refers to the number of described deep-sky objects.