
Triangulum Australe / Galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNG)

«Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae» Acker et al., 1992 [141]
PNG RA Dec Main ID PK IRAS Discoverer Identities oDiam rDiam Dist
C* Name C* Mag C* SP Type
PN G317.1-05.7 15 10 40 -64 40 19 He 2-119 317-05.1 15064-6429 HENIZE 1964 ESO 099-01, Sa 2-115, Wray 16- 168 53. -11.0 ± 19.0
PN G320.1-09.6 15 56 01 -66 09 11 He 2-138 320-09.1 15513-6600 HENIZE 1964 ESO 100-03, MWC 238, SaSt 2-10, Wray 15-1377 7. 5.0 -46.5 ± 3.0 11. (O-III) B: 10.78, V: 10.90 O(H)
PN G321.0-03.8 15 30 19 -61 01 39 HaTr 2 15261-6051 HARTL et al 1983 12.
PN G321.3-16.7 17 01 17 -70 06 06 He 2-185 321-16.1 16557-7001 HENIZE 1964 ESO 070-01, Sa 2-162, StWr 1- 5, Wray 16- 244 < 5. -6.0 ± 7.0 AG82 219 B: 15.97, V: 16.46
PN G322.1-06.6 15 52 10 -62 30 53 He 2-136 322-06.1 15478-6221 HENIZE 1964 ESO 136-05, My 91, Sa 2-126, Wray 16- 190 < 10. -135.0 ± 9.0 AG82 189 B: 17.3, V: 17.2
PN G322.5-05.2 15 47 41 -61 13 03 NGC 5979 322-05.1 15434-6103 HERSCHEL 1835 ESO 136-03, He 2- 135, Sa 2-124, VV 74, VV' 126, Wray 16- 187 8. +23.0 ± 3.0 AG82 186, CSI -61 -15434, HD 140586 B: 16.3, V: 15.3
PN G325.8-12.8 16 54 35 -64 14 31 He 2-182 325-12.1 16498-6409 HENIZE 1964 MWC 242, ESO 101-16, Sa 2-157, StWr 1- 2, Wray 16- 238 3. 7.4 -91.0 ± 9.0 21.5 (O-III) AG82 218, CSI -64-16498 0, HD 151895 B: 13.35, V: 13.42 O(H)


Key to columns [141]
PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
RA Right ascension (epoch J2000)
Dec Declination (epoch J2000)
Main ID Main designation
PK Designation in PK67
IRAS Designation in IRAS catalogue
Discoverer Discoverer name and publication year
Identities Other names separated by commas
oDiam Optical diameter (arcsec)
rDiam Radio diameter (arcsec)
Dist Distance in kiloparsecs
Rvel Radial Velocity (km/s)
ExpVel Expansion velocity (km/s)
C* Name Central star names
C* Mag Central star magnitudes
C* SP Type Central star spectral type
